
Welcome to a piece of our sweet journey of life. This blog is about our family life-- my husband, my type 1 diabetic seventh grader, my spunky fifth grader, my second grader little girl, and myself! Enjoy!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Michael: 17 Months

Michael is 17 months old!  Time is going so fast but I love each and every day and I absolutely love being the mommy to 2 sweet little boys! Michael's personality shows through more and more each day and it is so fun to see the kind of person he is becoming!

He his very active and sometimes rambunctious-- just like his daddy was at that age. :)

Here's a little recap:

Age: 17 months

Clothes: Michael is wearing size 18 month and 2T clothes.  His shirts are mostly 2T but his pants are mostly 18months.  His waist is still small and the length of the 18 month pants are a better fit.  He has a lot of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles clothing.  He wears a size 6 shoe comfortably.  He loves to put on shoes and socks and his knit hat because it means that he gets to go outside!

Favorite Foods: Michael loves to eat! He loves Goldfish crackers, Honeymaid Lil' Squares graham crackers (they are toddler sized-- Michael's cousin had them at his first birthday party, and we found them in our local stores and we love them!), cheese slices, and Cheerios.  For breakfast, he usually has instant oatmeal (the fruit and cream variety pack), some dry Cheerios, a cheese slice, and a sippy of milk.  For lunch some days this week he has had fish sticks and ketchup with a fruit cup and some type of cracker (goldfish or Lil squares), and a sippy of juice mixed with water.  He gets snacks during the day which include crackers or Cheerios or applesauce or the occasional healthy cookie.  He has a sippy of water and juice at all times throughout the day.  At dinnertime, he is very adventurous and wants to eat whatever Aaron and I are eating-- he can handle spice better than I can.  :)

Favorite Words: Michael loves to say "dada" and usually he says it to get something he wants-- like a bite of dada's dessert, or a sip of dada's juice.  He refuses to say mama.  He can say ball and bone and book.  He says bye-bye and waves as he says it.  He can run up to Noah and wave and scream "hiiiiii!" He says "oh oh oh" for "up" and he frequently says "go go go." His cognitive vocabulary is huge and he can follow complex directions such as "go get some blocks.  They are by your car."  "go get the 'Llama Llama book and bring it to mommy." He can sign "more" "please" and "thank you."

Favorite Activities: Michael LOVES books! He will bring books to me during the day and we will read them.  He chooses a weekly favorite.  Soon, we will have all of our books memorized-- which isn't a bad thing.  :) Michael loves to throw  -- we are working on teaching him which things are ok to throw (ie, Akuna's toys are ok to throw, whereas a book or a play Xbox controller is not ok to throw).

Favorite Things: Michael loves to "share" my food with me.  We call him the baby bird.  In the mornings when he wakes up, I sit with him on the couch and he has a sippy of milk while we watch "Little Bear." He says "bear? Bear?" when it's over. 

Signature Moves: Michael loves to twirl around and throw his head back and laugh.  This of course makes Aaron and I laugh.  Michael also fake cries if he doesn't get what he wants.  This is not to say that we give in to him-- we do not.  We know what's a real cry and what's a fake cry. 

Here's our little Seattle Seahawks fan:

Here's Michael during his very first haircut-- he was entertained by eating graham crackers and looking at my phone:

Here's a picture of Michael's hair cut from the side:

Here's our happy morning boy:

Here's our silly boy at suppertime:

Thanks for catching up with us!  Much love, Reba

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