
Welcome to a piece of our sweet journey of life. This blog is about our family life-- my husband, my type 1 diabetic seventh grader, my spunky fifth grader, my second grader little girl, and myself! Enjoy!

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Photo Round Up: February

Here's an assortment of photos from February. We've tried to stay busy, but safe in this wintery weather. Noah and I have both had the flu. Michael & Noah have both had strep. Noah finished out this last week of February with pink eye. Avery & Aaron have so far escaped unscathed. I'm praying it stays this way!

Here's to welcoming in March with open arms and a new set of busyness and also a much needed anticipated Spring Break!

Avery had a couple days where she wanted to wear "hairbows."  This was a day when we needed to show Aunt Bethany how pretty the hairband looked on Avery.  Aunt Bethany bought this hairband when she found out that Avery was on the way!

Avery has recently discovered Frozen so we've watched it a thousand times.  One day, I paused it so we could go to the library and grocery store and Noah thought Elsa froze the TV.

Avery is obsessed with brushing her "teef."  She loves to brush them, but then will smile so that I'll say "Oh wow! They're beautiful!"

I told her to stay away from our old Christmas tree box that I was going to throw away.  This is how I found her ten minutes later.

Noah and I battled out the flu together.

Michael has always been my reader rabbit.  He devours books and is always so excited to get a new one!

This was the set-up on the night before Valentine's Day!

Valentine's morning!  Noah and Avery were up first and both of them found their Skittles and Reese's heart right away!

Avery loved her little Princess dress-up set!

Michael got a new book and was already lost in the pages before school this day.

Noah got a Lego street sweeper that we put together that afternoon.  He LOVES it!

Avery found her brothers' stickers from school and they were both nice enough to let her have free reign with the sticker packs.

Avery and her trusty royal dog, Akuna.

I love it when the weather is nice enough for us to all play outside after school!  This was a rare day last week in between all of our days of down-pouring rain.

My oldest and me.  He is such a sweetie!

The two younger ones playing with slime or Playdoh.

One is reading for homework and one is listening.

She wanted to be Yoshi.  Immediately after putting this hat on her, she asked me if we could go look in the mee-row (Mirror). :)

He reads so much that he falls asleep while doing it.  I snapped this picture earlier this week.  I thought it was too cute to pass up!

She likes seeing herself in the selfie feature of the camera!

Noah used some balloons earlier this week to be police lights on top of his head.  He would then walk around our living room and kitchen making siren sounds. :)

We have watched a lot of "Doc McStuffins" lately and Avery was pretending to make this stuffed animal all better.

On Tuesday of this week, Avery got to go to Michael's school to have a picnic lunch with him.  So sweet!

That wraps up our February photo collection.  Hopefully March isn't met with as much sickness or rain!

Until Next Time,
Much Love, Reba

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