Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Photo Round Up: March

I'll try to write more soon on how we're beating boredom & sometimes welcoming it now that we're home for the unforeseen future.

For now, here are some photos from the month.

A two-year old selfie:

Shooting a pretend fire extinguisher with an onlooking princess.

All three at the sandbox.  All things considered, they have played very nicely together most of the time.

A real-live firefighter!

Some kind of alien/super-hero something. :)

Michael has been very creative and comes up with recipe ideas. He wanted to create a special dessert of cookie crumbs and Cool Whip with sprinkles on top so I obliged.  He happily ate his dessert as a snack over the next few nights.  :)

On the night he made it, they all tested it out.  Looks like a success!

We had to try on our soccer jerseys!

The first soccer game was very cold!  Michael's game was first, so I watched my two littles go down the slide for an hour until it was time for Noah's game.

I think we might have been watching Moana on this day, so she had to be a mermaid.

One sunrise that week was amazing!  I try to snap a picture of these when I can.

On the Friday that our state entered those affected by the virus, we ate our dinner in the car after I grocery shopped.

The following day we had our second soccer game.  Hopefully we'll get to have more games after this whole thing settles down nationwide.

She wanted to be a unicorn, so I taped a rolled up toilet-paper roll on top of a princess crown.

I braided her hair into pigtails so that she could be Anna from Frozen.

Sandbox fun at one of their grandma's house this past week!

Michael squeezed himself into a little plastic car and as long as he's having fun, I'm okay with it.

Noah wrote his whole name in chalk and was so proud of himself!  So am I!

We ordered the game "Spot It!" from Amazon and it's so cute and fun and can be played by all ages!  It even comes with an additional card where you can mix up how the game is played to make it a bit tougher (ie, how I'll have to play with Aaron from here on out).

She was telling me that Akuna licked her ear. :)

Here she's being a strawberry princess.

Last week, we incorporated a little bit of school work each day.  This week is their official spring break so I'm not making them do school unless they want to.

He wanted to see what his face looked like if he was the butterfly who was caught.

Slide fun!

She's just so pretty!

We have been thoroughly enjoying our time outside! Fortunately, we've had a string of really warm sunny days which is good for morale and sanity!  Yesterday and today it was gloomy and cloudy, but we're hopeful that the sun will reappear soon!

Sometimes, all she wants is a bucket of soapy water so she can wash Easter eggs and her legs and hands.  These days, why not?

I love that he still likes to take pictures with me!

This is the other game we ordered from Amazon.  It's sooo much fun to play!

Just a girl and her daddy relaxing on the couch!  I cannot get over her smile!

She asked me to paint her fingernails blue.  I happened to have some blue on hand, so we fulfilled this request.

Our church service was online on Sunday, so Avery was wondering why Grampa Bill wasn't also behind the screen. :)

I recently bought "clown balloons" (with my own money) for a classroom experiment and I had tons left over so I grabbed them one day last week before our school was closed for deep cleaning.  I whipped out the balloons on Sunday afternoon to try my hand at animal creations.  Turns out, the boys were pretty okay with snakes. :)

Avery wanted a puppy, and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out!

I tried creating a flower which I think came out okay, but I'll certainly be trying it more during this week.

He asked if I could take his picture at dinner yesterday.  Sure!  We did a drive-through order at Cook Out restaurant-- the boys' new favorite!

After dinner, Aaron and Michael played a dirt bike game and they had two little onlookers!

I hope this was a fun peek into our lives!  I'll update more as these days at home continue. :)

Until Next Time,
Much Love, Reba

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