Saturday, April 25, 2020

32 Things for 32 Years

Today is my birthday and I'm 32!  Being in my thirties is still weird to me.  Mainly because I had always anticipated that being in the '30s meant that I was "getting old" however I don't feel any differently than I did when I was in my 20s.  So it's kind of a mind battle to create the new normal that being in my '30s really isn't that weird at all.

I thought I'd come up with 32 random facts/interests/things about myself.

1. I love to bake.  It's definitely a stress relief for me.

2. I really like the Netflix series "Longmire."  In fact, after Aaron and I finished watching it together, I immediately started rewatching it by myself the next day.

3. I love the "Cat Who" mystery series of books by Lilian Jackson Braun.  I don't think I've made it through the whole series yet, but I can read them in any order and still love them.

4. Bugs (all types) creep me out and it's taking a big leap of courage to hang onto to Noah's classroom set of caterpillars to help them become butterflies.

5. My hair color naturally turned 100% dark brown this past year.  It altered my appearance so much that one of my best friends didn't recognize me when I met up with her last summer.

6. I'd rather be at the beach than any other place.  Not just any beach-- my family beach property.  This is where I feel most relaxed.

7. I love photography, but beat myself up too much at the sharpness and focus of images that I only take pictures of my own children or landscapes.

8. I like to kickbox and would love a kickboxing bag in our shop as a work-out prop.

9. I hate messes although I understand they're a part of life-- especially when children are involved.

10. I prefer order. A tidy desk and bed can certainly change my perception for the day because I feel like I can breathe better.

11. I hate spending money.  Unless it's on other people, then I love it.  This is probably one of the reasons why Aaron and I get along so well.

12. I prefer the end result and really don't enjoy the journey all that much.  This is especially true of working out. I hate the process, but love the results seen after consistency.

13. I am incredibly modest.  I feel very very uncomfortable if I'm not overly modest in my clothing.  This works in my favor as a teacher because I know I'll never be called in for dress code violations.

14. I LOVE being a wife.  Aaron and I really are best friends and that makes our marriage so enjoyable.  We do have our quarrels and arguments, but we ALWAYS make-up that same day.  We are very very different, personality-wise.  We complement each other very well because of this.  We truly love each other and love being together so much.  Our marriage is unlike so many of our friends' marriages and for this, we are grateful.

15. I love being a mom and think that three kids is our perfect number.  I so enjoy having my sons close in age and it's like they have a built-in playmate which can be great!  They are also great helpers for their little sister and can get down on her level to play pretend-make-believe games with her.

16.  Having a daughter is a true blessing.  Although she never wore headbands very often as a baby, she's finally getting to the age that she wants her hair put up in "Elsa braids" and wants to play dress-up.

17. My favorite color is blush pink.

18.  My fingernails are naturally long. I have never had a fake-set put on at a salon.  I used to bite my fingernails terribly short, but started growing them out and now keep them fairly long.

19. I go back and forth between having long hair and short hair.  I've never truly found my "sweet spot" for haircut length.

20.  My love languages are "words of affirmation" and "quality time."

21. I graduated with my undergraduate degree in 3 years.

22. I cannot drive a stick shift.

23.  My two dream vehicles are a black Ford Explorer (2013, which I have) and a matte black Jeep Wrangler 4-door (which I don't have and don't anticipate getting).

24. Problem solving is a forte of mine, but not always appreciated by those with the problems I'm trying to solve.  It's a struggle for me to listen without instantly trying to create a solution in my head.  I'm learning that everyone doesn't always want a solution-- sometimes we just want to be heard.

25. When I'm by myself with my kiddos, I do not drive on the interstate.  I will purposely take the longer way to get to any stores (pre-quarantine) so that I can take back roads.  This is mainly due to driving anxiety, and I figure if I'm on a side road, I can turn around or get help easier than if I was on the interstate in a one-way direction.

26. Sleeping-in doesn't happen much-- even pre-kids.  I'm a morning person which means that by 9:00 o'clock at night, I'm mentally checked out.

27. I have a love-hate relationship with naps.  I love the rest but I hate feeling like I've wasted part of a day.

28. I'm a rule follower through and through.

29.  Out of the three siblings, I believe I am the most protective.

30.  I do stand up for myself and for what is right, but I also feel so terrible if I hurt anyone's feelings.

31. My dad and I drove onto the set of "Lost" while living in Hawaii.  This was accidental and we actually thought it was a real plane crash until a member of the TV crew stopped our truck and told us it was a TV show scene.

32. After growing up wanting to be a busy-body and be on the go constantly, I have discovered that I'm truly a homebody and really would prefer being in my home with my family than anywhere else.

Next year I'll try to think of new things!  It would be fun to have lists with no repeats.  I love reading these posts when others do them, so this was fun!

Until Next Time,
Much Love, Reba

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Reba! Sorry I missed wishing you a happy day on the actual day. Loved this post, thanks for sharing!
