Friday, April 3, 2020

A Day in Photos

On Wednesday of this week, I took pictures throughout our day to somewhat show a daily routine.  I'm not really making the kids stick to a strict schedule of "do math from this time to this time, then do history, etc." I let them have their normal early-morning routine of watching a show while eating breakfast and kind of bum around for a bit.  This was how we functioned during regular school days also.  My kids are all early risers (will this ever change?!?) and it was very out of the norm for me to have to wake anyone up to get ready for school, but even if I had to do that, we would all be up by 6:30.  My kids are still waking up right around 6:00 so I'm letting them have their slow start to their day and I don't make them to any type of school work until 8:00-- just as it would be if we were in regular school. 

Since home-schooling takes less time than going to regular school since we can cut out lots of the major time takers (transitions between classes, structured break and lunchtimes, going at the pace of the last one done, etc.) elementary aged kids can really get their school work done in 2 hours or less. 
We do our school work in the morning, eat lunch, then attempt to watch some type of non-fiction show (nature shows are our favorites) while Avery naps.  Some days though, let's just be real-- I make everyone take a nap instead.  The boys' school is so on top of their game, and they had resources divided up by grade level on their website starting the first week we were out for "extended Spring Break" before finding out that we'd really be out the rest of the school year.  I printed off the resources (mainly they're topic lists) and we've been working through those.  Next week, their teachers will have some Zoom calls (video calls) with them and will also assign a steadier  schoolwork load.  I still anticipate being finished with school in less than 2 hours' time.

But for this week, this is how our typical days are played out.

I try to get in at least one cup of coffee before we get rolling.  If I drink my coffee at the table, I peruse two of my favorite copies of HGTV magazine.  I had the subscription last year, but gave all but two of my magazines to my mother-in-law for her to put on her coffee table.  I saved out these two because they're my favorites of the bunch. 

I also try to prep the work that I want the boys to work on for the day.  I'll write down a sentence or create some basic math problems for them on these legal pads.  They each have one and it's kind of nice for them to have their own. Yes, the paper is pink but it was given to me by a friend so I'm not complaining and I'm certainly not going to waste it. 

We made some "Hearts for Workers" to hang up in our window to show our support for those who have to continue working during this time like my mom, brother, sister-in-law, and father-in-law.
Avery thought cutting looked like such fun, so I let her cut our scrap sheets of paper while she sits next to me at the table.

Here's a typical view of the living room during these slow mornings.

When I finish prepping what school work they'll need to do that day, I go to the living room and try to read while finishing my coffee.  I got this book on sale from and I intended to read it on my spring break vacation.  I'm really glad I bought it because our libraries are closed and I'd be extra super bored if I didn't have something to be reading. To be honest, the book is kind of slow.  I bought two other books at the same time, but I don't want to dive into those until I finish this one.  So I'll press through.

I retreated to my room to do a little laundry and clothes sorting while the boys worked on school things and Avery watched a show.

When Noah was doing his math work, he used pennies to help him with addition and subtraction.  Avery felt that she needed pennies too for her "home erk" and she worked on counting while Michael did his spelling test.

We took a break outside for about 30 minutes.  It was surprisingly cold on this day!  55 degrees outside around 8:30 in the morning!  We've easily hit 70+ degrees on other mornings by that time.

At 9:30, we loaded up and went to the elementary school to wait in a carline to receive free lunches.  They do this twice a week and we go twice a week because it helps us get out of the house, the boys have a chance to wave at their teachers, and it makes them feel excited to have a "special lunch."

We have eaten lunch under the table twice now because it's a free activity that the kids really love!
Avery is being a "snowman" at lunch.

Noah is being a walrus.

After lunch, we have some unstructured time where we can play or color or watch a show (we did "Schoolhouse Rock" on this day).  This gets us in the frame of mind to be winding down for a nap or for quiet time. 

This day, the boys took naps in their room and I had a moment of quiet in the living room while eating a Mississippi Mud Brownie. Sometimes, just these little breaks mid-day give me the boost I need to press on in a better attitude. 

During snacktime, I stepped away for a few minutes to work on lesson planning and returned to find Avery's orange all over the floor.

At least she was happy to clean it up!

I took this up-close shot of the TV to show that perspective changes everything. 

Here's the actual view. 

While playing outside in the afternoon, the boys told me the door handle was loose.  I didn't think too much of it until I actually touched the door knob and it came off in my hands!

After Aaron came home, he carried Avery around on his shoulders after all the kids had baths.  She liked her view of what the world would look like if she were tall!

After this point, I kind of forgot to take any more pictures.  I had a Zoom call that night with my Bible Study group, and I did some more lesson planning before watching a few episodes of Longmire on Netflix with Aaron.

Until Next Time,
Much Love, Reba

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