Wednesday, July 15, 2020

DIY Cleaners

My all-purpose cleaner and my glass cleaner both ran out at the same time, which has never happened before.  Since they both needed a refill, I decided to do a quick tutorial on how we make both of these cleaners.

I bought my 16 oz. glass bottles on Amazon, and the labels are from Etsy (Farmhouse Vinyl Co.).  I use Thieves ultra-concentrated Household Cleaner, which means I only have to add less than a capful per glass bottle.  I add in a few drops off essential oil (this time I chose Thieves, Purification, and Citrus Fresh).  The white vinegar is for the glass cleaner to add a little extra oomph for windows, mirrors, and glass.

For the all-purpose cleaner, I use half a capful of cleaner.

I added in a few drops of Purification oil and Thieves oil.  Purification helps eliminate odors in the air and it's one of my favorite scents. I also added in a few drops of Thieves oil to provide some extra cleaning burst. 

There's really not a whole lot of liquid in the bottle before filling it up with water.  That's okay!  The cleaner is super concentrated, so it needs a lot of water to bring it to proper dilution for cleaning.

For the glass cleaner, I used only 1/4 capful of cleaner and a few drops of Citrus Fresh oil.

I add in a 1/4 cup of white vinegar, which makes this bottle look slightly fuller than the all-purpose cleaner before adding in water.

Adding water makes the cleaner form bubbles in the bottle, so I have to add a little water, then wait, then add some more.

I shake each bottle well after adding water to nearly the top.  The cleaners are instantly ready to go.  I am always impressed by how well they clean surfaces, and it's a relief to know that the cleaner itself is plant-based and not full of harsh chemicals.  If you need links to anything mentioned, let me know!

Until Next Time,
Much Love, Reba


  1. Do you add tap water or distilled?

    1. I use tap for the cleaner & distilled for making hand soap.
