Friday, July 10, 2020

Friday Favorites 7.10.20

I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika to share some Friday Favorites!

I'm using Narci's template of writing prompts for a basic summary of the week.  

What I'm Watching:

While my kids have been perfectly happy watching Booba and Chico Bon Bon on Netflix, I've been rewatching Gilmore Girls.  I've seen it all the way through about 5 times over the past 10 years, but I never mind watching it again because it makes me happy.  I think deep down, a lot of us wished there was actually a Stars Hollow we could live in.

What I'm Reading:

I checked out "Evvie Drake Starts Over" from our library's curbside pick-up last week and I finished it in 2 days.  It's so cute and I'd totally read it again.  It's light and airy, and that's what I needed after reading more historical books prior to that.  I tried to get into "The Other" but every time I thought I was really far into the story line, I'd check to see what page I was on and it was page 32 or page 47.  I knew the book was over 200 pages, so I kept thinking "Holy smokes, how much more in depth is this person going to get?"  So I just returned it when I took Evvie Drake back.

What I'm Eating:

We order most of our meats through Butcher Box, so we'll be eating some salmon tonight for dinner.  We get the custom box where we can pick our meats each month.  It's not enough meat to last us the entire month, but we purposely get the smaller of the box order choices.  I just supplement with meatless meals (spaghetti, breakfast-for-dinner, etc.) or I pick up meat when it's on sale at Publix.

Yesterday, we whipped up this no-bake peanut butter pie for a special treat while my nephew came over to play with my kiddos.  We tweak it a little bit each time, (read: I don't always follow the same recipe), but yesterday we tried out The Pioneer Woman's take on the pie (except we didn't use a chocolate crust, we used a regular graham cracker crust).

What Am I Buying:

Just this morning, I placed a big Amazon order for school supplies for my kids.  What?!  Yes.  It's that time again here in the South.  Their school just posted the current supply lists by grade level, so I took inventory of the school supplies I have leftover from last year and only bought the things I couldn't piece together from my stash.  My kids are old enough now and have been in school enough years now that I've learned not to buy everything on the list, and I've also learned that some teachers are going to have their own list when it gets closer to the actual starting date of school.  So I buy the general items they'd need (binders, paper, folders, dry-erase markers, etc.) and I don't stress over the exact quantities of everything.

What I Am Thinking About:

I'm thinking about a job I applied for that was not planned.  I was browsing jobs at a dream job location and saw a posting that I could fit, so I thought it over for several days and prayed about it and felt led to apply so I did.  The job deadline was extended, though, so now I'm waiting til the job actually closes before I get my hopes up too high as to whether or not I'll be contacted.  Aaron tells me not to worry about it, but it's hard not to think about it often throughout the day!  I am totally happy where I currently work, but it would be awesome to get this position.

Other Favorites This Week: (Note that only one of my children will willingly take pictures).

"Look! I'm Dada!" (pretending to be Aaron when he wears his headphones for work calls).

All three of my kiddos, plus my nephew, enjoying kinetic sand!  This kept all 4 of them entertained for nearly an hour, and then my nephew and one of my sons played with it again twice during the day for over 30 minutes each time.

She's reading a puppy book to her puppy.

Avery is at the fun age of thinking if she can't see me, then I can't see her.  This is when she was hiding after she had taken her popcorn bowl to the couch and I had caught her.

I bought bananas at the grocery store so we could make smoothies at home, but the kids much preferred to just eat the bananas as snacks.

Our shower has a sliding glass door, and all three kids like to pretend they're in jail (why?!).

Have an awesome weekend!  We plan to fit in lots of family time and low-cost adventures!

Until Next Time,
Much Love, Reba


  1. I need a recipe for dessert to take to a friend's tomorrow. Chocolate pie sounds like a winner!! Thanks:)

  2. Good luck with the job!! That's great that you applied, because you never know. *fingers crossed for you* And Kinetic Sand is kind of awesome - my nieces and nephew love it too.

