Friday, August 28, 2020

Michael is 8!

 Literally, the first title I typed said "Michael is 7!"  Then I had to pause and erase my text and say "Michael is 8!"  Wow.  I REMEMBER being 8!  It's so strange to me to have a child that will be entering 3rd grade and become an age where I vividly remember a lot of things about that same age.  I'm not sad-- it's just weird.  

Michael is pumped about turning eight.  He knows it means that he's nearly ten and that he's entering the last half of elementary school.  I still get caught up in the hamster-wheel inside my mind that says "One day, my kids will remember the things we do and the memories we've made but they're not there yet."  However, yes they are.  They are old enough to remember family trips and funny phrases and inside jokes, and however much I think that "one day, I'll have this parenting thing down" I realize daily that I do not.  And instead of waiting for when I feel like the perfect prepared parent, I need to instead take each day as it comes, get my daily dose of grace given by God and walk on.  

Michael still loves all things Mario and Pokemon with a nice sprinkling of Minecraft thrown in.  He is great at impressions of these characters and absorbs all information he can read about them and the various intricacies of the games in which they're involved.  He LOVES jokes-- loves to read them, loves to listen to them, loves to create his own. 

His birthday party looks a little different this year. We invited mainly church families since our congregation basically has stayed out of the public sector. My brother and family are able to come in from out of town (also they have remained largely out of the public eye).  I am saddened a bit that Michael doesn't have school friends at this year's party since they haven't started back to school yet.  He seems to be okay with it though and I'm so thankful for our church family coming together to support this little boy on his special day. 

This morning, Aaron & I had Mario themed balloons ready for Michael at his dining room seat. Avery was the first one awake & gushed over the balloons. When Michael did wake up, I greeted him with a hug and a "Happy Birthday!" as soon as he walked into the living room. Avery then instantly gave him a hug and said "come see your 'boons!" So... I guess it was still a surprise. :)

He chose pizza for dinner, so Aaron braved the late summer thunderstorm and picked up dinner from our favorite local pizza place. We had a small ice cream cake later on and Michael opened birthday cards while we snacked. He got to open presents at my mother-in-law's house today and my parents stopped by this evening to let him open the gifts they bought. 

We ended the evening by daydreaming about how he could spend his birthday money, and we read a couple pages in our "Rush Revere and the First Patriots" chapter book.  Overall, I think he had a very fun day and we look forward to his party!

Michael, you are sweet and kind & such a great problem solver! I'm so proud of the young man you are growing up to be. Everyday, I'm super thankful to be your mom. I love you so so very much. Love, Mom

Until Next Time, 

Much Love, Reba

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