Thursday, October 1, 2020

Books in September

 Now that school has started back and I have to keep my gradebook current, I don't have tons of time to leisure read, but I knocked out two books before things got busy and I'm slowly working through a third. 

The first book this month was You've Been Volunteered: A Class Mom Novel.  It was SO GOOD!  I finished it in 24 hours.  It was a quick easy read that flowed well.  The main character, Jennifer, is the mom of a fifth grader and the book is all about her sarcastic take on being the "class mom" among other school volunteer jobs.  It was funny, quirky, and had me laughing out loud at times and connecting with the characters. 

The second book was American Dirt.  OH. MY. WORD.  This book is so fantastic.  It's raw and real and had me questioning some of my previously firm beliefs on topics like immigration and migration and the real lives that people live in countries other than our own.  This book took me a longer time to get through-- between one and two weeks.  It was really good and really intriguing and kept my interest the entire time.  It took me that long to get through it because it was packed full of details.  It was also really intense and took mental energy to get through because the author made the characters so REAL that I felt like I was right there with them in the scenarios that they travelled through and I had to give myself mental breaks from time to time and only read a few chapters at each sitting because it was so emotionally deep.  I highly highly recommend this book. 

I'm currently reading Home Work: A Memoir of My Hollywood Years by Julie Andrews.  I love love love Julie Andrews and I always have.  I'm only just barely into this book (like between page 30 and 50) and I'm trying to read it whenever I get a spare moment from grading papers and lesson planning, etc.  It's already so interesting to read about her experiences on the set of "Mary Poppins" etc.  I am excited to learn more behind-the-scenes things that went on during her career. I love that time era, and it's so neat to put together pieces of storylines of movies that I know and love. 

In the spring, I read a Christian suspense thriller called The Curse of Misty Wayfair. It's currently free for the kindle book edition, if you're looking for a little Halloween-esque story to read in this month.  It's Christian-based, so it doesn't delve deep into the paranormal, etc. (I wouldn't have ever read it if it did).  It offers enough suspense to keep you guessing which is just the level of "spooky" that some people are looking for in this time of year. 

What have you read lately?

Until Next Time, 

Much Love, Reba

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