Sunday, November 22, 2020

Lyrical Sundays: Sparrows

 I heard this song for the first time today as I was driving through town.  Some of the lyrics really spoke to me and I wanted to share them here with you too.  Last night, I kept having this recurring dream of a certain president-elect actually taking office even though it is unwarranted and achieved without merit.  I woke several times to attend to diabetes issues and every time I went back to sleep, I'd have the dream continue even though I prayed beforehand that God would grant me rest and not the discomfort of political turmoil and unrest.  

However, I'm certain He allowed me to continue despairing in my sleep and feel the effects of the over-tiredness today so that I could lament to my mom at church this morning so she could remind me "Jesus answered, "You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above. Therefore the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin." (John 19:11).  You see, the president-elect would not be in office if it was not in God's plan.  This is in no way to say that this is the most honorable choice or even the most meritorious or godly.  This is to say that God is still in control and will remain in control to guard us and to protect us in the midst of political unrest in our country.  

Therefore, when I heard the song "Sparrows" by Cory Asbury on the radio this afternoon, I was reminded again that God is good and He cares for us more than the rest of His creation and we shouldn't worry or fear, but instead should place our hope in Him.  I know the ending of the story.   Life on earth is a blip of time.  Life in Heaven is eternal. 

(I'm placing in italics the lyrics that stuck out to me.)



Cory Asbury

The sparrow's not worried about tomorrow
Or the troubles to come
The lily's not thinking about the seasons
The drought or the flood
The tree that's planted by the water
Isn't phased by the fire

So why should I be?
'Cause you take good care of me
You take good care of me
You know what I need before I even ask a thing
And you hold me in your hands
With a kindness that never ends
I'm carried in your love, no matter what the future brings
Yeah, you take good care of me
The sun's not worried about the winter
'Cause soon it will pass

The light's not thinking about the darkness
Or the shadow it cast
A heart that's planted in forgiveness
Doesn't dwell in the past
So why should I be?
'Cause you take good care of me
You take good care of me
You know what I need before I even ask a thing
And you hold me in your hands
With a kindness that never ends
I'm carried in your love, no matter what the future brings
Yeah, you take good care of me
I know there must be more
But I can't get past your kindness
I know there's got to be more
But I can't get past your goodness
I know there must be more
But I can't get past your kindness
I know there's got to be more
But I can't get past your goodness
You take good care of me
You take good care of me
You know what I need before I even ask a thing
You hold me in your hands
With a kindness that never ends
I'm carried in your love, no matter what the future brings
Oh, you take good care of me

(Video Link from YouTube). 

Until Next Time, 

Much Love, Reba

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