Sunday, November 29, 2020

November Recap

 We've had a very busy month!  However, I'm still struggling to believe December begins on Tuesday and that the year is almost over.  Aside from all of the craziness that 2020 inhabited, it sure did bring a lot of family time to me and for that I am grateful.  

Here's a recap of what we've been up to since Halloween.  

Avery sported a pumpkin outfit to church on November 1st. 

We played outside in our comfiest t-shirts (designed by Grandma Chips). 

We made good use of the bubbles we received from Halloween treats. 

We built houses out of pencils. 

And we made sure that PatPat Baby had a nice snack. 

As you already know, we put up the tree and I had three very eager decorators. 

On our way to drop off Noah and Avery prior to Michael's endocrinologist appointment, I caught a peak of him reading to his siblings. 

I ordered a very appropriate 2020 commemorative ornament. 

Noah and Avery had their well check-ups on the same day (we postponed both check-ups due to covid concerns earlier in the year but felt safe enough to do these appointments in mid-November after the doctor's office was very confident in their distancing measures). 

When the boys had a sleepover at my parents' house, Aaron and I took Avery out for frozen yogurt.  We were both masked, but she enjoyed a special treat. 

Noah sported a train conductor hat one weekend morning. 

The kids made a cute hedgehog leaf craft. 

We popped over to my mom's house on the weekend before Thanksgiving for the kids to help decorate her tree. 

The kids served me calamari for breakfast last Sunday. :)

I got to have lots of extra cuddles this week during our Thanksgiving break. 

One night for dinner we had chicken pot pie. 

Avery and her 2 year old cousin enjoyed some outside time on Thanksgiving. 

I made a cherry pie on Thanksgiving using canned cherries that my Grandma mailed to me since I can't find them in the stores here. :)

Avery enjoyed bicycle riding with Grampa Bill on Friday morning. 

On Saturday evening, we went to my mother-in-law's house for her Thanksgiving meal and Avery was treated to a Frozen outfit from my sister-in-law!

I hope your November was just the way it needed to be for you, whether that was busy or calm. 

Until Next Time, 

Much Love, Reba

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