
Welcome to a piece of our sweet journey of life. This blog is about our family life-- my husband, my type 1 diabetic seventh grader, my spunky fifth grader, my second grader little girl, and myself! Enjoy!

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Our Own Little Christmas Party

Since the boys are doing virtual school, they missed out on having a Christmas party with classmates so they were a bit bummed out.  We had a "Zoom" family Christmas party/STEAM event last week on Tuesday night but it wasn't really a party at all. It was more of a "sit down and do an engineer activity over Zoom with other 3rd graders, etc."  Sweet Michael thought it was going to be more of a party and wore his pajamas & brought his Christmas stuffed animals to the Zoom call. Needless to say, he was disappointed and my momma heart was breaking. It was then we decided we'd throw our own Christmas party as a family. I added some items to my Walmart grocery pickup and we planed to have our party on one of these days that we had left leading up to our official Christmas break (we're officially out on Wednesday).  

Aaron has been working lots of long hours (like 16 hour days) and even had to work yesterday and is at work today too. So... we needed a little holiday cheering up & decided today was the day. I handled Children's Church by myself this morning and we knew that once we got home from church, then our official obligations of the day were over & we could think of things to do at our party. It was just me and the kids, so we planned it for after Avery's nap. I found some Christmas plates & trays and arranged some treats & planned out some games. I really wanted to make it as special as possible for them. Around 2:15, I started some Christmas music & invited them to choose their special snacks & make their hot chocolate order and we'd get started!  We played four games. The first was "Pin the Nose on Rudolph." The next was "candy cane fishing." The third game was improvised-- I hid 6 candy canes in the backyard & the kids each got to find two. They LOVED this! We then returned inside and we played a dice game to draw a snowman (where each number on the dice equals a snowman part to draw and the first one to draw a complete snowman is the winner! Michael won!). 

Our party lasted about an hour, which was the perfect time frame. We're watching "The Polar Express" while I write this post, and we'll have ham & bean soup for dinner. It's turning out to be a great winter day...it'll be perfect when Aaron gets home!

Here's some photos of our fun:

This is my improvised fishing pole (see the candy cane on the end?). 

This is our cup of canes to fish from. 

Until Next Time, 

Much Love, Reba

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