Saturday, December 26, 2020

Sayings of My Children

I figured we'd end the year with a final rendition of 2020 Sayings of My Children. 

Avery: I really want to watch Snoofy. The pumpkin one. Then after, it's Carious George.

Noah: You're almost big enough to drive!
Michael: Yeah! When I'm..... twelve!

(During prayer, Avery wants all of us to hold our own hands together in the prayer symbol)
Michael: I hold my hands like this and I look like an angel.
Avery: I hold my hands like this and I look like a zebra.

Avery: What's the wind doing?!
Me: What IS it doing?
Avery: It's dancing!

Avery: Mom, what's your favorite color?
Me: Pink.
Avery: Oh, ink. 

Avery: Mom, you have.... superpower!
Michael: Yeah! The power of.... chores!

(After peeling a clementine)
Michael: Mom! That smells delicious!
Avery: yeah! That smells like wishes!

(Looking at our pineapple ornament)
Avery: I know what this is! It's a pineapple. They have this on cocomelon (a show). We should watch it.
Me: Okay. I'm not sure which episode has the pineapple.
Avery: (holds up 2 fingers) This is what you do. Click it. And find it.

(Looks under the Christmas tree)
A: Did Santa take our presents?
Me: Santa brings some presents. And mommy and daddy bring presents.
A: (gasps) From that closet? (Looks at the coat closet)
Me: Nope
A: (gasps) From Santa's bag?!
Me: (nods)
A: Yaaaaaayyyy!

(I handed Avery a new pair of shoes from a hand-me-down bag)
A: Oh wow! These shoes are amazing!

Avery: What's that?
Aaron: A fire box
Noah: I hope it's not filled with fire. 

Avery calls pinecones "corn nuts." I think she's mixing pinecone with acorn.

Noah: Good night. Rest in pieces.

Avery calls chocolate cobbler "chalkit clobber."

Avery says "leave my door cricket" instead of "leave my door cracked."

Michael: Did you know that the first bread was made from wheat? Not flour.

Avery: (looking at a droopy flower) Oh! The flower is sad! The rain made it fall!

Avery reading a story to us:
"The crut-nacker" (instead of nutcracker)

Noah: Does Tuscaloosa have elephants since the first four letters of Tuscaloosa are tusc?
Me: Yes. Yes they do.

Michael: Can we go to Bethlehem?
Me: Pennsylvania?
Michael: No. Where Jesus was born.
Me: Some years from now.
Michael: Why?
Me: Because they don't always really like Americans
Michael: Thats ok! We can say we're Korean!

I want to remember the way Avery walks up to me, lifts her arms, and says "I want to hold ya!"

When Avery is upset at any of us, she'll tell us very loudly "you ruined my family!"

Noah: Oh! I didn't know you had soda!
Me: I just bought it today
Noah: (gets a cup of soda) Oh! Well, if you bought it today, shouldn't the bubbles be spicy in my mouth?

Noah: I'm dreaming of a wise Christmas

Michael: If food gets stuck in my throat, I hit myself in the chest to help myself out.
Avery: My throat punched me and killed me.

Here's to all the fun things they'll say in 2021!

Until Next Time, 
Much Love, Reba

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