Friday, January 8, 2021

Friday Favorites 01.08.21

 Today I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for Friday Favorites.  

This week, Avery found some Frozen stickers and gave herself a little makeover. :)

Michael was pleased to show Gigi that the new shorts she bought him fit very well!  Right now he's using them as night-shorts since it's too cold outside to wear them during the day.  However, later on this spring and into summer, these will be used often!

Santa brought both boys a National Geographic Dinosaur Fossils kit, so Noah and Avery were working on Noah's set this past weekend. 

She thought it was hilarious that I overlaid some of my dark brown hair over her light blonde hair!

These days since I'm wearing a mask most of the day (unless I'm in my classroom alone), I choose to accessorize with big earrings.  These are part of a set on Amazon that Michael gave me for Christmas!
They're very lightweight and make a big statement. 

Michael (and little sister helper!) conducted an experiment this week for one of Michael's virtual classes!  

We are blessed with some AWESOME sunrise views in our backyard.  This was a very "wintery" version one day this week!

When cousins come to play, rolling down the big hill in Grandma's front yard is a must!

Until Next Time, 
Much Love, Reba

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