
Welcome to a piece of our sweet journey of life. This blog is about our family life-- my husband, my type 1 diabetic seventh grader, my spunky fifth grader, my second grader little girl, and myself! Enjoy!

Monday, February 22, 2021

Valentine's Day

This year for Valentine's Day, I started collecting items in late December so that I'd be prepared and wouldn't feel rushed as the date got closer.  This was beneficial, but also led to me over-buying since I'd forget that I already had a treat prepared and I'd see something else great and buy it.  So this year, my kids lucked out and received a little box of chocolates, a book, and a toy (usually it's just candy & either a book or a toy but not both).

In December, Aaron and I had to go to Costco for a tire rotation, and Costco has such an awesome book selection at super low prices.  Michael was eagerly waiting for the release of a new book spin-off series from one of his favorite authors, and I saw the book that day and loved the fact that it was nearly half of what I'd spend at Target!  I grabbed it and held onto it because Christmas was just the week prior and I didn't want to just give it to him out of the blue.  I didn't necessarily intend for it to sit on Aaron's bookshelf until nearly Valentine's Day, but it did.... so I quickly found two other books (one for Noah, one for Avery) at Publix one random Saturday.  

When browsing the aisles of Target, I saw a little box of chocolates with a unicorn on the cover which sealed the deal that I'd get that one for Avery.  I picked up a dinosaur one and a space shuttle one for the boys.  Everyone was pleased with these when they woke up on Valentine's Day!

I wanted to get Avery a "Bo Peep" doll from Toy Story 4 after she so loved playing with her cousin's doll in the fall.  I found this one on Amazon and ordered it in late January.  

The boys love to watch this one particular YouTube family, and this family has become so popular that they periodically release a new toy here and there.  The boys have been singing this silly ditty about an elevator and when I saw on the Target app that this YouTube family released a toy about this ditty, I grabbed two for a "drive up" order.  The Target associate who picked the order was phenomenal and chose a blue one and a green one which is so perfect so that my boys know whose is whose.  These toys both have a music box and glow sticks, which is so fun!

I took this photo around 9:30 the night before Valentine's Day because that's how long it took my kids to fall asleep that night! The felt hearts were a Target Dollar Spot find years ago (before I even knew we'd have a girl one day!). 

All three kids loved their gifts!  The chocolates were gone almost immediately.  The books are getting lots of mileage on them and the toys have been played with daily.  This was a successful holiday and it was so fun to gather up exciting things as I found them and not feel rushed.  


Until Next Time, 

Much Love, Reba 

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