Friday, April 16, 2021

Spring Break

This year for Spring Break, we had virtual learning days on Monday & Tuesday before actually getting to enjoy the week.  Therefore, early on Wednesday morning we headed to our beach town to enjoy the property and meet with a contractor about rebuilding possibilities for our beach cottage. We rolled into town at lunchtime & went to a local seafood restaraunt for lunch. Then we checked into the accommodations and headed to the beach for the afternoon. We chose to stay in a little cabin at an RV park less than two miles from our beach property. My parents were able to come with us and stayed at the same RV park in their camper. 

The RV park was a great choice. It was reasonably priced & offered a playground and a swimming pool (which was too cold to use this trip but we look forward to using it on a future trip). The kids LOVED the playground and we went back to it a couple times. We also made use of a playground in the town that we'd been to with the boys in the past (pre-Avery!). 

Our meeting with the contractor was okay but we faced some extreme sticker shock. Covid has certainly increased the price of building materials. We are now reviewing our options for how we'd like to proceed with a rebuild but it either won't be a traditional stick build or it'll be quite a ways into the future when building prices finally decrease. 

We rented the tiny little cabin til Friday morning but chose to come home on Thursday night in order for kids to sleep during the majority of the trip and to give us all of Friday at home to relax. We arrived home around midnight on Friday morning & we really enjoyed the benefit of not having to travel on Friday. Overall it was a fantastic trip and we so enjoyed the time with our kiddos & my parents. 

This is a trip we'll probably do again in the future! 

Until Next Time, 

Much Love, Reba

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