Wednesday, May 26, 2021

New Insulin Pump Case

Michael has used the Omnipod insulin pump for 6 years now. We've had to replace the personal diabetes manager (pdm) (the hand held part that we enter his carb grams into for it to calculate his dosages of insulin) twice over these 6 years which isn't bad. However, we've used the original case this whole time. We began using the Omnipod when he was nearly 3, then he's used it continuously since then to include all of his years of school so far. Needless to say, this case had been through the ringer. 

Over the last couple months, the zipper stopped functioning which was annoying. The case holds the current vial of insulin, so it's not really okay to go without a zippered pouch since the insulin could fall out of its little elastic band holder at any time. Within the past two years I've researched replacement cases but haven't been satisfied with prices or styles until recently. I'd heard of the brand "Sugar Medical" before but didn't know they sold items on Amazon. When I found a "blood sugar meter" zippered bag, I knew we could make it work for Michael's insulin pump supplies. 

I chose a masculine bag design and it arrived super quickly and in great quality.  Although it's still a fabric bag, it has a bit of sheen on it which adds to the durability of the fabric. I think this will last us a long time. It doesn't have a flexible plastic sleeve to hold the pdm in like the original bag did, but it came with a 3M velcro strip so we attached that to the battery cover on the back of the pdm and it stays in place nicely. Originally we inserted the insulin vial into one of the elastic bands below the pdm, but I've since changed it and I now put the insulin vial in the elastic band in the center of the bag. It's more secure here and I feel better about that. I'm really happy with our purchase!

Until Next Time, 

Much Love, Reba

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