Thursday, June 3, 2021

Summer Movies We’re Looking Forward To

Friday is officially the last day of this 2020-2021 school year.  It’s a half-day that day and I’m super excited to get to pick up my kiddos early and spend the rest of the day with them.  Although I do love a good nap, I am more than likely going to nix the nap requirement on Friday so we can have more time together!  My boys have lined up some good movie options for us over the summer and Friday marks the day for the first one—Raya!  We have heard good things about Disney’s newest movie, Raya, and Michael has even seen part of it at school one day and he was impressed with what he saw.  We don’t have Disney Plus Premier Access, so we haven’t been able to watch Raya at home yet.  (Sometimes, Disney Plus releases new movies through their Premier Access and we just wait it out a few months until those movies are “regular release.” This is what we did with the live action Mulan, and it’s what we’ve done with Raya and what we’ll do with Cruella.) So on Friday we plan to get home in early afternoon, probably pop some popcorn, and settle in to watch Raya.

The next movie we’ll get set to see is Peter Rabbit 2, which will be in theaters on June 18th.  We do plan to go see this on a reduced theater ticket day for a matinee viewing, and we are super excited to make our first return trip to the movie theaters in about 2 years!  This will be a nice mid-June event for us to look forward to, and of course we’ll request that Aaron or my mother-in-law come with us (it’s always nice to have an extra adult to watch whatever children don’t need to use the bathroom during the movie!).

In early July comes the movie we’re probably the most excited about—Boss Baby 2! This one will be in theaters and it will also simultaneously be released on Peacock Premium.  We have Peacock Premium access since it’s only $5 per month (with ads, which are never more than 90 seconds at any given time), so I’m excited that we’ll get to watch this new release at home (on repeat!).  In spite of the pandemic downfalls, the increase in streaming services and content certainly has been beneficial.


Let me know if you catch any of these films!

Until Next Time, 

Much Love, Reba

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