Tuesday, July 20, 2021

EGD with Biopsy

I had my EGD with biopsy in the beginning of July. I have received one biopsy result so far (which was a good report) but am still waiting to hear the results of the other three biopsies. I'm hopeful that those results will come this week. 

Overall the procedure went very well. The EGD took place at an endoscopy center which guaranteed that every other patient was there for a similar procedure & that we shouldn't be bumped out of place by any emergency situations. When I had my ablation surgery three years ago, it was at a general outpatient clinic and it took so long from start to finish simply because each patient was there for something different and the procedures each took a long time.  For the EGD however, I was in and out within 2 hours. 

I was so impressed with the ease of check in and the short wait time before I was called back. Aaron brought a backpack full of things to read in the waiting room while I had the procedure. Once in the pre-op curtained area, I was prepped & answered the thousand questions and they started my IV. The best part was when they put an extra blanket on my bed which felt like it had been just taken out of a dryer! Within 20 minutes after that, I was wheeled to the procedure room where I met the doctor. The nursing staff and anesthesiologist were all nice & I received my mouth guard and was told how the sleepy medicine would make me feel "metal taste in mouth and ears will ring" right before I'd feel very sleepy. And that's exactly what happened. It was the weirdest thing; I remember my eyelids feeling so heavy & I tried to stay awake as long as possible which might've been 3 seconds. 

I do cognitively remember that time passed between going to sleep & being told "Mrs. Petersen, you can wake up now!" The medicine is designed to create no dreams though, so I appreciated the little nap that I had and kind of wished I felt more rested at the end.  My IV was removed, I answered more questions, received another super warm blanket, spoke with the doctor who popped in to say how the surgery went & that she had called Aaron to inform him. I was able to put back on my "street clothes" and chose not to accept any drink because I was so anxious to get back to Aaron and be on my way. A nurse wheeled me out to the pick-up spot after calling Aaron to say I was ready and to get the car in position. 

Aaron took me straight to Cook Out where he ordered a peanut butter milkshake for me and lunch for himself. I was a little groggy but not too groggy to go into Publix & wait for my prescription to be filled. After that, he took me home & I rested on the couch for most of the afternoon.

My throat was very sore for a day & wasn't too aided by water but I drank a lot anyway. Eating was a bit difficult but I ate because I felt like it. (Not to mention, what I cooked smelled really good & I wanted to partake!) I did have ice cream later that evening which felt great on my throat. Within a day I felt much better. 

So now all that's left is to wait for all of the results. 

UPDATE: I received the results a day or two after posting this.  All of my biopsies came back within normal range!  What a praise!

Until Next Time,

Much Love, Reba

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