Saturday, August 7, 2021

Hello, August!

At some points, I'm sad that summer is over.  At other times, I'm glad that we're transitioning into fall with such an early start to school this year!  I went back last Monday for a few days of in-service to get prepared for the upcoming school year.  The kiddos went back on Thursday, so we're really off to the races now and all systems are go!  

Both boys and I enjoyed our first couple days of school and I'm hoping that's a testament to the blessing that this year will be.  I'm so pleased with all of the ways that God is orchestrating His hand throughout our days.  He has made several things become possible that I didn't think would come to exist.  He provided both boys with my "first choice" teacher options, and I know they'll excel in these classes.  

God transitioned my dad into getting a new and fantastic bus route, and to see my dad so happy makes me so happy.  This also meant that I changed the bus route that my kids ride on so that they can come directly to me in the afternoon and not get dropped off at home.  I was nervous about who their bus driver would be, and I hoped it would be someone my dad knew from being part of the transportation crew.  God worked His hand, and the bus driver not only is someone whom my dad knows but is a good friend of my dad.  This bus driver is fully capable of managing the delicate balance of treating Michael for low blood sugars while maintaining focus on the bus route.  I am very comfortable placing my children in the care of this bus driver, and these first couple days of bus drop off have been very smooth.  That makes my mama heart happy!  The boys then follow me inside of school in the afternoon and we work in my classroom for a bit (meaning they have a snack or drink, and I prepare my boards for the next day).  They like for us to walk up to the front office when we're finished so that they can meet other teachers and hopefully see some of our church members who also work at the school.  My mom said they will remember these special afternoons and make good memories from them.  :)

I have met each of my classes one time so far, and they each seem to be a lively bunch.  I just went over the syllabus and class rules with them this week and we'll get into our instructional material next week.  It's so funny to me when I'm preparing the upcoming lessons and making sure I have things printed off because I'll check the material topic and think "wow, is this right?! It seems like I just taught that topic to last year's students!"  I'm taking this to mean that God is making me comfortable enough with this subject area that He's enabling me to experience excitement  (instead of nervousness) about what's coming up next. 

In non-school related news, we've got two birthdays coming up this month!  I'll be buying birthday decorations and wrapping paper in the upcoming weeks to get prepared for Avery's 4th birthday and for Michael's 9th!  I have steadily purchased fun things for Avery when I've come across them, so she's pretty set for her birthday gifts.  Michael is my "expensive taste" kid, so he has put a few things on his birthday list knowing that we'll probably choose just one or two to get for him due to their prices.  He's okay with this and is eagerly anticipating what could be chosen!  He's decided against a school party or friend party this year and just wants family members to come over and enjoy his day with him.  That's okay with me-- less prep!  My goal is to have both of my August babies enjoy their day and truly know how special they are and how they make this family complete.  

I'll post a photo recap soon!

Until Next Time, 

Much Love, Reba

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