
Welcome to a piece of our sweet journey of life. This blog is about our family life-- my husband, my type 1 diabetic seventh grader, my spunky fifth grader, my second grader little girl, and myself! Enjoy!

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Michael is 9!

Today, we woke up with a 9 year old in the house!  Michael turned nine today and I can just hardly believe it!  I can totally remember everything about his birthday.  He was born at 4:32 pm and weighed a surprising 8lbs 14oz! He was a very long baby and wore newborn clothes maybe twice. :)  He's since grown to be a thriving big boy who loves to give hugs and smiles.  Especially with the week we've had, his smiles and hugs have been a comfort to many.  Michael is a treasure and I'm so beyond blessed that God placed him into our home to be our first child. 

Dear Michael, 

You are so full of life and for this I am very grateful!  Since you're my first born, I often struggled with knowing "am I doing this parenting thing right?" and "wow, how can this be going by so quickly?!"  You've overcome SO many struggles in your life so far and I know that God has been with you through each one of them.  You are braver than you believe, son.  Your life has shown me so.  You are the most timid of your siblings and I credit this to your way of processing things around you since you've walked roads that neither of your siblings have had to walk.  With that being said, you're the most generous with your hugs and your smiles.  One of your many gifts is to be a comfort to others.  You're very empathetic and offer many words of encouragement.  

You love being around people!  You thrive in church "Wednesday work days" and in attending church each Sunday.  You love to greet your fellow church members with a smile, and you dole out your cherished hugs to grandparents and great grandparents.  You love starting out each school year with the mentality of making several new friends and you ALWAYS succeed!  

You're a great joke teller and an awesome reader.  I am so excited to see you so excited about the books your class is reading.  God's hand was so evident in the teachers that you got this year, and I'm relieved each day to see you thriving in school and looking forward to attending each weekday.  

Although you cherish your alone time and probably need more of it than you get, you are still an amazing big brother.  You have never once left Noah standing alone on the side walk after morning drop-off.  You always wait for him to get his backpack and walk inside together. (How do I know?  I hear from your grandmas who take you to school!). :)  I know that when Avery joins you next year that you'll be a great comfort to her as well.  

After school and on weekends, you love to engage your brother and sister in imaginative play.  You are always up for a board game or family video game nights as well.  You're reaching the age where you like to sit down together and watch a movie, and "Secondhand Lions" has become a recent favorite.  

During your visits to the endocrinologist every few months, you like to make a whole day out of our time together.  We frequently get lunch before the visit as well as a treat in the gift shop of the hospital.  You are grateful for these moments together as mom, dad, and Michael, and we are so grateful for special time with you too. 

You're so excited to be nine years old and I am so looking forward to what this year will bring for you. 

I love you so dearly, Michael!

Love, Mom

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