Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Sayings of my Children

Here's another rendition of silly sayings of my children. 

Me: You'll need to write some thank you notes.
Michael: I'm going to write a poem for mine!
Noah: I'm going to write a hate note to h-e-double-hockey-sticks
Me: That's not what I meant

Avery: When I close my eyes, I can't see. I need glasses

Anytime Avery wants to do something at a future time she'll say "to later."  Example: "Mommy, you see that? You need to get a big bat and get it. To later."

(While watching a show with my 3 y.o.nephew. The show host asks 'what's your favorite food?')
Avery: Watermelon
W: No! Not watermelon! Pancakes!

(When my nephew was getting in the pantry for a snack)
Me: what's up, snack attack?
W: I'm not snack attack! I'm a big boy

Conversation I overheard between my 8 y.o. nephew and my sons:

G: Did you guys know that Michael Jordan is now the coach of his own team?
Noah: But he's the president

(When Avery fell asleep in the car)
M: She's probably dreaming about telling someone "no"
N: She's probably dreaming about U.S.
Me: The United States?
N: No. U.S.
Me: Us?
N: No! Unicorns! Starts with a "u," ends with an "s."

(While playing)
Noah: It was shot...
Michael: Twice
Noah: No...
Michael: Thrice
Noah: No.  It was shot... three times

Avery: Akuna wanted his rope. So I gave it to him.
Me: That was nice
Avery: So... I am great
Me: You are great

(While the boys are flipping through the channels on a TV in a beach cabin)
Noah: (flips channel...it lands on a commercial)
Michael: Ad
Noah: (flips channel...it lands on a sitcom)
Michael: Old show
(My boys learned the art of not being able to choose the TV show since it's not a streaming service)

Avery calls Pocky "chopsticks."

So in children's church today we talked about blood sacrifice & how Jesus paid the price for us. One of the questions I asked was "do you think you could do enough good things to earn your way into Heaven?"
Noah's response "Well, you'd have to die first"

Avery calls pretend tattoos "bad-toos."

Noah: Do you have a sew at your house?
Me: A sew? Like things to sew?
Noah: Yes
Me: Yes I do.
Noah: Good. I need you to sew my blanket

Avery: What day is it?
Me: Thursday
Avery: What?! We had a Thursday last week!

Avery: The brothers are watching something scary on the chromebook
Me: Did you tell them to turn it off?
Avery: No. You're the parent. I'm not the parent

(My parents gave me a bouquet of flowers to commemorate starting another school year.)
Avery: I see roses!
Me: Have you smelled a rose? (I hold the bouquet to her)
Avery: Mmm! It smells like red!

Noah: I can spell chocolate
Me: How?
Noah: Chocklit

Me: Happy birthday!
Avery: (gasps) Thank you for saying that, Mom!

Michael: Happy birthday!
Avery: Thank you!
Michael: I can't believe you're 4!
Avery: (deadpans) What?.... why did you say that? I am three!

Avery: I want to watch a dee-bee-deeb! (Dvd)
Me: Oh yay! I love dee-bee-deebs! Which one do you want to see?
Avery: No. I just want to watch it

Avery calls mascara "eye-scare-ah."

Avery: You're a grown up
Me: But do I want to be a grown up?
Avery: Yeah because you're big! Not huge but totally big!

Avery: I need to tell you something (spreads arms wide) SO MANY!  So..... how was your day?

Me: (to Aaron) Do you want to taste this cream cheese frosting?
Avery: I want to taste! (takes a small taste) Mmm! It tastes like frost!

Michael: what are you watching (on the chromebook) ?
Noah: a tornado warning
Michael: well turn it down
Noah: I will not turn it down. I'm trying to have a VR tornado experience

Me: I'll take your plate to your seat. You can take your orange juice cup
Avery: Ugh! You have TWO hands!

Avery: Why do some people like cookies? Yuck. But they're still yummy though.

There you have it!

Until Next Time,

Much Love, Reba


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