Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Spray Painting Tap Shoes

We signed Avery up for dance class a few weeks ago and today was finally the day of her first lesson!  At the registration, I asked about tap shoe closures, whether Velcro or elastic or ribbon was best.  "Velcro" was the response.  I had previously purchased black tap shoes with a velcro closure and I found out that Avery had to have white tap shoes.  The supply company affiliated with the dance studio did not have any white tap shoes in stock, and none of them had velcro closures anyhow.  I began my lengthy search for easy-close tap shoes (none of which were velcro closures for under $45 a pair).  I finally found some elastic closure white tap shoes on Amazon, so I went ahead and ordered those in the next size up so that I wouldn't be caught off guard in a few months when her feet grow.  However, since I already had black tap shoes, I decided to research how to paint them myself just in case I ever have to do this again in the future. 

The articles/blogs I read stated to cover the taps with tape, and to maintain the shape of the shoe by stuffing the insides with plastic bags.  I'm so glad I read up on these tips!

The sites mentioned using alcohol to rub away some of the shiny coating of the patent leather because this would help the spray paint to stick to the material easier. 

I couldn't find the exact spray paint mentioned, but I chose to use this Rust-o-leum Paint and Primer paint which was suitable for many types of material including vinyl. 

Here are the shoes after a few coats of paint.  I ended up going back over them one more time-- honing in on the black fabric strip around the opening of the shoes.  I think in total I did four coats of paint. 

I forgot to take a picture of the clear coat I sprayed on them after the final coat of white paint had sat for 24 hours.  The clear coat helped give some extra shine and helped remove some of the tacky feelings left behind by the paint. 

Here's the finished product!  I can still see the darker area from the fabric strip, but this is nothing that will be noticed from far away and I know she'll be outgrowing this pair of shoes within the year. 

Avery was so impressed that she immediately wanted to put on a "princess dress" and walk around in her "perfect shoes" for a few minutes! 

I won't be afraid to purchase black shoes in the future and paint them myself!

Until Next Time, 

Much Love, Reba

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