Saturday, October 23, 2021

Crab Apples & Banana Spiders

Michael the Creative came up with some themed snacks to have this last week. I had some gala apples & bananas on hand, so all I needed to grab from the store was pretzel sticks & we were ready to make his snacks!

First up were the crab apples. We used a wooden chopstick to poke holes in the apples, then we stuck some pretzel sticks in the holes. Each kid could make their own holes, so each crab looked a little different.

Michael gave his the standard 8 legs & added in two chopstick holes for eyes.   

Avery was very proud of hers. 

Noah was very particular about how his crab looked. He added 8 legs, then 2 antennae, and 4 chopstick hole eyes. 

Next up were banana spiders.  This time, the kids were easily able to poke in the pretzel sticks directly into the banana-- no chopstick needed.  

Here's the artist behind the idea!

Noah is very technical with his creature creations, but chose not to be in the picture himself this time. 

Avery had a blast doing the same activity as her big brothers! 

Super easy & fun! They loved making these and we'll definitely do it again!

Until Next Time,

Much Love, Reba

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