
Welcome to a piece of our sweet journey of life. This blog is about our family life-- my husband, my type 1 diabetic seventh grader, my spunky fifth grader, my second grader little girl, and myself! Enjoy!

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Fall Photo Roundup

 My photos uploaded in reverse order, so this will be like a backwards walk through our recent fall events! (Any overlap of pictures from my previous posts is purely accidental since I did not sort back through to verify "picture originality to post ratio.")

Yesterday was a virtual learning day in our county (although school staff had to report to the buildings)...  Anyway, Noah's teacher compiled a cute little packet of information for him to work on and his final worksheet was a coloring page for Veterans Day.  He loved his drawing so much that I just had to capture on camera. 

Our very bountiful fall mantle.  Something from every kid is up there.  From right to left (starting after the heart photo)  the sunflower chalk pastel drawing is from Noah's art class.  The scarecrow with the sunflower hat is from Michael's art class.  The next scarecrow painting is from Noah's class.  The purple popsicle stick pumpkin face is Avery's from a year ago.  Since it's November, I added my Gather banner under my felt leaf garland. 

To prepare for teacher in-service yesterday, I wore my comfiest Christmas shirt (I run on coffee and Christmas cheer).  

Aaron took the kids to my mother-in-law's house a few minutes before I had to leave for work, so I enjoyed some coffee and silence.  Also, the two laundry baskets describe my life this past week.  Both are clean clothes.  One is folded, one is not.  As of this morning, all clothes are folded and nearly all are put away!  

You might teach high schoolers if this is something you have to write on your electronic whiteboard.  

I attempted a fishtail braid for Wednesday.  It lasted three minutesd before I decided that a pony tail was a better option. 

On Sundays, Aaron has worship team practice before church and the kids and I hang out in the nursery.  It gives Michael time to play with city wooden blocks, Avery gets to boss around her brothers (not really) and Noah gets to relive his glory days of the ride-on-car. 

Our downtown area is preparing for Christmas and this gigantic Christmas light ornament is fun for the kids to run around in. 

Avery pretended to sleep on a Sunday morning. 

I tried styling her hair before church a couple weeks ago, but she took down all styles before we walked out the door.  She's slowly adding in a bow on her own during the days to keep her hair out of her face. 

The kids tried making caramel apples with Grandma Chips one Saturday.  The caramel didn't stick but the memories were fun!

Avery knows I sleep with an eye patch, so she took one of her headbands to create her own eye patch.  Obviously, it's working well. 

We found another cute spot to take photos downtown during their fall decoration days!

She chose her entire outfit-- t-shirt, overall dress, floral sweatpants, cowgirl boot, felt hat. 

Noah and Avery found a cute downtown decoration while Michael was in art class one evening (pre-time change). 

Pumpkins were suspended from trees with fishing line. 

Noah pretended he was holding up a pumpkin with one finger.  

My mom comes with us downtown some evenings during art class time, and it's super helpful to have her around to help me watch the kiddos!  On that particular evening, the gigantic Christmas light ornament was actually a pumpkin with orange lights and green stem (they've transitioned it to an ornament for Christmas time now). 

The kiddos show off their glowing jack-o-lanterns.  Both boys were super pumped.  Avery wasn't so sure. 

That's a pretty accurate glimpse into our busy days!

Until Next Time, 
Much Love, Reba

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