Thursday, November 18, 2021

Impromptu Santa Visit

 On a spur of the moment, Aaron and I decided to take the kids to see Santa on Tuesday evening!  I was curious as to when Santa would be appearing at the Bass Pro Shops, and once I found out that he was there pre-Thanksgiving, I checked the reservation options and booked a quick trip.  

At the boys' school this week, Santa will come but only the kids who pre-pay for pictures get a chance to see Santa at that time.  I've paid for pictures the past several years, but the boys said they preferred not to do that this year so I made sure they knew it meant they couldn't see Santa at school (I'm not a fan of the policy that says you have to pay to see him).  

Since the boys decided not to participate in the school event, I told them I'd make sure we got over to Bass Pro to see Santa when he was in town.  Last year we did not go see Santa at Bass Pro since a sheet of Plexi-glass separated him from the kids, and we thought it was a weird set-up overall.  This year, however, I was prepared for the Plexi-glass sheet and I prepped the kids that it might be like that if we went.   

Once I found out that Santa was already in town, I wanted to get in a visit for the kids before the school Santa arrived.  I figured this would soften the situation if they knew that they already had a chance to see Santa (just in case they were sad on the day when Santa came to school and they realized for sure that they couldn't see him).  Tuesday worked out for our schedules, and we surprised the kids by taking them on this spontaneous adventure!  To our surprise, there was a wooden bench set up in front of Santa, but no Plexi-glass!  Avery was present, but was too nervous to take a picture or sit on the bench, so I held her just out of the camera's frame of reference.  

Santa was very personable and engaged with all three kids.  All three kids came away feeling light-hearted and that they mattered to Santa, and this was my goal and I am so impressed with Santa! 

Afterwards, we played with the toy set-up a little bit before heading home for snack.  

It was a special fun trip!

Until Next Time, 

Much Love, Reba 

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