Sunday, November 14, 2021

Three Things- Fall 2021

Last night before going to sleep, I read back through some December posts of years past. I was reminded that this blog is meant to be a memory keeper and that I need to stop worrying about topics & just write. So today I thought I'd give an installment of three things about each kiddo. 

Michael: 9 Years 

-Michael is making huge strides with his independence. Since he has Type One Diabetes, he must count every carb and administer insulin prior to eating meals & snacks. That being said, he didn't get to have the normal progression of kid independence (like waking before parents & eating breakfast while watching cartoons, etc.). I never want him to feel the burden of Diabetes before he's ready, so we've slowly introduced tasks and worked with him on them (like carb counting & how to use and trust his insulin pump). This summer he began practicing lots of tasks and this fall he's really blossomed into being able to take care of things like Breakfast & snacks. This makes him feel independent, which in turn makes me feel happy. 

- Michael has the best laugh but this true expression of joy doesn't show itself often, so when it does show up I am inclined to continue letting him do whatever it is that's bringing the laughter. Like his mother, uncle, and grampa, his eyes disappear during true laughter and it's fun to see that trait show through. 

-He has maintained his reader status and will fly through books super quickly. I ask him sometimes if he remembers the content (thinking for sure he wouldn't since he went so fast) but he actually does! Hopefully he'll never lose his joy of reading. We have big plans this holiday season to read Christmas books together in the evening. I think Christmas season can start today. :)


Noah: 7 Years

-Noah is full-on set in his police officer pretend play. This is absolutely his favorite thing to play, and he'd much rather play pretend than watch a show or play computer games. He is fully committed to his role & will wear costume pieces or turn random toys into the police items he feels that he needs for his game. It's very interesting to watch his creativity. 

-Noah has maintained perfect behavior at school for three years running. He has only received the highest behavior marks from the first day of kindergarten through present day. He tends to save his emotions until he gets home.  Although this is exhausting for me, I understand that this is his safe place where he can exhibit his feelings. 

-Noah loves things in a big way. He jumps up & down with excitement about life's simple joys. Making cookies? Noah jumps up & down. Having a pot luck at church? Noah jumps up & down. Able to walk down the aisle at Dollar General and look for Christmas list items? Noah jumps up & down. He's been this way since he could first jump and it's one of my most favorite qualities of his. :)

Avery: 4 Years

-Avery began ballet class this fall and has LOVED it! She looks forward to dance class and enjoys watching YouTube tutorial videos in the meantime. She had her first community recital performance a few weeks ago & did so well! It was SO much fun to see her perform and to love what she does. 

-She's quite the negotiator. If she says "four stories & a song" and we counter offer with "two stories & a song," she'll act like she's doing us such a favor by saying "okay...three stories & a song." She has a plan for everything and in her mind, it's a very simple thing for all aspects to go according to her plan. If she asks for a toy and I say "no" because it's too expensive, she'll day "ugh, just hand them your card & pay for it. You don't have to have real money." I'm interested to see if she uses negotiation skills in her career one day. 

-Avery loves girly things like playing dress up, pretend coffee shop, Barbies & baby dolls. I LOVE watching her showcase her playing skills! She's becoming interested in wearing a small bow now & then, and she's working very hard at picking out her own outfits and dressing herself daily. 

These kiddos are such a blessing! I love being their mom even in the difficult moments & through all the tired stages. I cannot imagine life without them & it's part of my motherhood calling to lead them to Jesus so that I'll never have to know what life without them is like. 

Aaron & I are doing well ourselves. I'm looking forward to the breaks that come with the holiday season. He's handling work schedules fantastically, as he always has.  He's mastering the art of Asian style meals & we're all reaping the benefits of that! We're both excited for the holiday joy & watching the magic of Christmas through the eyes of our children. 

Until Next Time,

Much Love, Reba

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