Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Lyrical Tuesdays: Just a Girl (Brandon Heath)

 Hello everyone!  Today I'm sharing with you the lyrics and the video link for an absolutely fantastic Christmas song called "Just a Girl" by Brandon Heath.  This song nearly brings me to tears every time I hear it.  It's not a traditional song, and I really like finding and listening to those more serious Christmas songs that require me to think about the true message of Christmas and what it might have been like way back when on the night that Jesus came. 

Just a Girl (lyrics found here

I wonder if you've heard the story
Of little fame and lesser glory
The night the keeper of the inn
The little town of Bethlehem
Encountered Joseph and his Mary
About to birth the Savior of the world
His wife said go and see who's knocking
He ran down to the gate unlocked it
The moment he heard Mary's cry
He couldn't look them in the eye
Denied them and went back to bed
When his wife asked who was there
He said I don't know
Just a girl
Just a couple gypsies begging at the door
Told them we don't have room for anymore
And closed the door
It was just a girl
He tried to sleep and wasn't able
He snuck out to the dirty stable
The two had found for covering
And later in her suffering
The keeper knelt outside the barn
And in the light of that great star
He prayed what have I done
He's just a babe
Just minutes old there trembling in the hay
I could have found a room for them to stay
I'm so ashamed
He's just a babe
There was no robe
There was no crown
The shepherds stood
On royal ground
The keeper wept
For what he'd done
He turned away
God's own Son
Just a King
Just a million angels crowding in to see
Jesus there among humanity
Just a babe
Just minutes old there trembling in the hay
Staring at his mother in the face
She's just a girl
Just a girl
Does she even know that she just changed the world
Does she even know that He will save the world
Does Mary know that He will save the world
She's just a girl
Just a girl
Just a girl


(video link here)

Stopping to think about what that night might have been like for a very pregnant Mary who was refused a (probably not even very) comfortable place to rest after her journey, and then ended up going into labor while surrounded by donkeys and possibly horses and cattle and sheep puts a different spin on the Christmas story.  The traditional Christmas hymns and cheerful songs are wonderful and it's fun to get caught up in the gaiety of the season, but we shouldn't forget the true fabric of the story-- that God chose to send a King to be born in a stable, and He chose to first announce the birth to the outcasts of the town, and He chose the mother to be a girl who was faced with seemingly insurmountable tasks and obeyed faithfully.  Let this be a lesson to me, God, to approach Your will with confidence because You have woven together a story that only You could create. 

Until Next Time, 
Much Love, Reba

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