Sunday, January 9, 2022

Noah is 8!

Today, our sweet Noah boy turns 8! I simply can't believe it! Eight sounds so old! 

Noah is as spunky & active as ever. He still loves all things police car, garbage truck, and school bus. A new interest lately is weather. He loves to check out library books about tornados and hurricanes, and he watches YouTube videos about these weather patterns and the scales that are used to measure the severity of the events. 

Noah is a great sleeper and usually falls asleep before 8:00 at night. The flip side of this is that he wakes up super early! "Sleeping in" is considered 6:45 and this happened only once over Christmas break. Most of the time he's up by 6:00. 

He's a pretty good eater although he prefers snacks over actual meals. He'd choose to snack all day if allowed. He does not like chocolate, so his favorite desserts are fruit based like carrot cake or blueberry pie. He prefers cheesy things like string cheese, Cheez-its, Goldfish, etc. 

He is not afraid to pick favorites and often chooses favorite songs on the radio. His current Christmas favorites are MercyMe's "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" and Lauren Daigle & Chris Tomlin's "Noel."  His current contemporary songs are Casting Crowns' "Start Right Here" and Andrew Ripp's "Jericho." 

For his birthday today, he just wanted family members to come over for carrot cake. He'll have a birthday party at a future date. 


You're so much fun to be around & you're so full of life! Simple things bring you lots of joy and this is so much fun to watch. Your interests have remained pretty consistent over the years and I'll be interested to see if you choose one of these career paths when you're older. The way you absorb information is amazing & I enjoy learning new things from you about the things you're interested in. 

I love that you still enjoy cuddling and hugs. Your sensitive nature reminds me a lot of myself, but your outward appearance is exactly like your dad at this age! Your crystal blue eyes are still the bluest I've ever seen and your smile is easy & true. 

I pray that you seek Jesus early & always. He is the only way to a full life. 

I love you so much, sweet Noah boy. I'm so glad you're 8. 

I love you forever, 

Love, Mom 

Happy Birthday, Noah!

Until Next Time,

Much Love, Reba

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