
Welcome to a piece of our sweet journey of life. This blog is about our family life-- my husband, my type 1 diabetic seventh grader, my spunky fifth grader, my second grader little girl, and myself! Enjoy!

Monday, January 31, 2022


Avery had her tonsils taken out at the end of last week.  Taking them out was a decision made after repeatedly noticing that her tonsils were always enlarged even without any infection. We saw an ENT at the beginning of January and scheduled her surgery for the end of this month. 

We arrived early to our destination and she played with some new toys (bought with the intention of giving her something quiet to do during her recovery).  After about 30 minutes of playing, it was time to go inside!

She was the cutest little patient! In the weeks leading up to surgery, we tried to gently talk about the things she'd do in the hospital (wear a gown, go to a room without Mommy & Daddy for a few minutes & take a nap while the doctor took out her tonsils, then come back to Mommy & Daddy and go home and eat ice cream, etc.) 

It really helped that Michael remembered some of the procedures from when he was 5 and had tubes put in his ears by the same doctor. Michael talked to Avery about having a mask that would smell like candy and that the mask would make her fall asleep. This was super helpful because when the nurse listed all of the flavors of a mask smell that Avery could choose from, we knew this is what it was for!

Outside of her door, the staff created the most perfect name banner! On every child's door hung a banner with their name and something he or she was probably interested in based on age (Marvel characters, Winnie the Pooh, etc.). Disney Princesses was the absolute perfect choice for Avery! We got to take this home with us post surgery. 

She did awesome during the procedure & was very tired afterwards. We had to stay for about half an hour after surgery to let her medications kick in prior to our lengthy drive home. Once we were in the car she gave me this tired smile before sleeping for the rest of the ride home. 

Once we arrived home, she wasn't feeling super great. I gave her the first dose of the "round the clock" alternating doses of Tylenol & Motrin and Aaron went to go fill the extra prescriptions. 

After a short 20 minute nap on me, she woke up feeling a bit better and wanted to get right into her nail polish set from Aunt Bethany! 

I also remembered I had this metal drip pan that the boys used to use for magnetic letters, and Avery was able to stage her magnetic princesses and their dresses here!

She began enjoying some of the recovery foods we made the night prior (jello, pudding, etc.).

Nail polish was the toy of choice that afternoon and she painted her own fingernails & toenails but then had to paint my fingernails & toenails too!

Her loving daddy even let her paint his fingernails! 

The next morning, we were at it again! 

The brothers (who had sleepovers at grandparents' houses on the nights before & after surgery) arrived home midday Saturday & all three kids enjoyed watching a weather show. 

I didn't take too many pictures on Sunday. It was more of the same. Playing with Barbies, fingernail painting, reading books, watching shows, etc. Last night I snapped this picture because she was just making such a goofy face for no reason. Some of the medicine makes her say really silly things or apparently stare off into space for a couple seconds. 

Overall, she's recovering really well. We were told to be aware of day 5 because that's when some extra healing takes place but it's not comfortable. That day is coming soon so we are stocking up on our game plan of things to do to distract her from the discomfort. I'm super thankful to my parents & in-laws for keeping the boys for us during the surgery day, and for watching Avery this week during the daytime while Aaron & I had to return to work. 

Until Next Time,
Much Love, Reba

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