Friday, June 24, 2022

Sayings of my Children- Summer Edition

We're not quite halfway through summer and I'm loving every single minute of it! I figured it was time for another round of funny things my kids say. 

Please enjoy. 

When Michael had an endocrinology appointment, we popped into the gift shop really quickly to get a prize for him & something for his siblings. He saw a toy Mystery Machine as well as a DeLorean. Later, he described the DeLorean to his brother.
M: So I saw this car. It was kind of weird. It was silver and it could time travel. It was from this movie called Stuck in the Past or something.

(Why can I never win when Avery plays charades? Here are some examples of what she comes up with in her head)
-flamingo going potty
-monkey with wings digging for gold
-an orangutan who's had too much candy (this one I figured out!)
-a turtle fighting with another one

Avery: my bones are tired. Even my eyes are tired. From watching mermaids all day.
Me: Oh you watched mermaids today?
Avery: No.

(When discussing the land we're buying)
Avery: tell me the name of the land
Me: I'm not sure what you want me to say. Pasture. Forest.
Avery: I think it's disney land

Avery: I don't want to go to the garden
Me: Okay. We don't have a garden.
Avery: No, not that garden. Kindergarten!

Avery: what does that say?
Me: He counts the stars and calls them all by name
Avery: what are the names?
Me: I'm not sure
Avery: I think it's Twinkle or Shine. I like Twinkle

Avery: I am dirt and d. Dirty!

Avery: when I go on a field trip I'm going to bring Noah & Michael & we're going to go to the gip shop

Avery: is that butter?
Me: cream cheese.
Avery: cream cheese, oh. I can't read!
Me: you'll learn in school
Avery: but I can say stuff. Like school, math, class, homework, abcya(dot)com.

Avery: (After getting sick several times around midnight) I woke up with not being sick! God is the best God ever.

(While putting my hair in a bun)
Avery: oh wow! You look like Barbie's mom!

(After I cleared my throat)
Avery: is that a fake cough or real?
Me: It's real. My throat hurts
Avery: did you eat bugs?

(While Watching "Because of Winn Dixie")
Avery: This is your show. I didn't pick a show today.
Me: What about Soul?
Avery: That was my brain show. My brain wanted to watch Soul. Yes it did!

Avery: Mom, I'm going to wear my feet for a while before I put on my shoes.

Before taking Avery to a special event to hear Ariel read a story.
Avery: is it only Ariel?
Me: yep. This month the library is learning about the ocean and we know where Ariel's from....
Avery: Disney!

Avery: you've been always wanting to take a nap so I idea'd it.

(On our way to fish in a pond)
Michael: There's a really old well there. You'll recognize this type. Its like the type of well from when you were a girl. It's really cool. So you'll see it and you'll know exactly what it is.
Me: do you think I had to get water from a well when I was a little girl?
Michael: Oh. Well I guess the well isn't that old. 

(I didn't catch so many of the funny things Noah has said recently.  Lately, he's been super busy singing while playing imaginative games, and he's been very close to my side lots of the day. Tonight he told me I was "the best mom person ever" and it just melted my heart.  I'm very very pleased with how well my children are growing up and although I occasionally get a pang of a hurt heart at how fast they're completing this, I know it's what they're supposed to do.) 

I've said it before and I'll say it again... I'm fully loving summer with them!  I love them so very very much!

Until Next Time, 

Much Love, Reba

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