Thursday, June 2, 2022

Summer Fun, So Far!

 While I certainly meant to write more in May, it doesn't equate to the level of fun that we had as we closed out a school year and began another summer!  We love summertime so much and here's just a few snapshots of the fun we've been having lately!

Our town had a touch-a-truck celebration a few weekends ago.  Noah had a blast! Avery joined him for a few photos. Michael was present, but preferred to stay right by my side instead of venturing into the vehicles. 

The next day, a local church had a food truck party to kick off their VBS! We made a quick stop at the ice cream truck.

During Michael's last art class of the year, the younger two and I wandered around our downtown and tried out a "new to us" drink place. We ordered a pink flamingo in honor of one of my best friends (whom we call "Flamingo"). I especially appreciated the mantra written on the cup!

An unexpected few days of rain finished out our school days, and Avery enjoyed getting to wear her rain boots and jump in muddy puddles like Peppa Pig!

My mom made a delicious low carb berry pie to ring in Memorial Day!

Yesterday, I took the kiddos to the art studio for its 15th birthday party. All three of them made these really cool water paint portraits. They each chose three colors and squirted them into a tub of water. The art studio associate then dipped a piece of thick paper into the water, and when she pulled it out, the paint design was on the side that was pressed into the water! How cool!  I love these so much. They express the personality of each of my kiddos so well. 
(Avery's, Michael's, Noah's)

As I'm working on school work for myself at various points throughout the day, I try to do something fun with the kids to make sure their summer retains its relaxing atmosphere. This morning, we made a run to Krispy Kreme! 

Oh these kids. I love them ever so much!

Until Next Time, 

Much Love, Reba

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