Monday, August 1, 2022

Garden Growth

In late Spring & early Summer, we began a garden! Without any running water on the property, we relied solely on God's provision of rain & the springs running underground on the land. Our little patch started out small but has produced a few ears of corn, a couple zucchini, a yellow squash, several watermelon and we anticipate lots of pumpkins based on how they're overtaking the whole patch! We expect even greater things next year when we have running water & hoses to help out!

Here's an update through pictures. 

The space over to the right was deemed the perfect garden spot for this first year. 

A few weeks later, we went back to review the progress of the driveway.  We are standing on the driveway in between the house site and where the garden will be.  The road that the driveway leads to is straight ahead of us past those trees way up ahead (our driveway is about 1/5 of a mile long). The garden area is over to the right. 

Another week or two, we returned to see the progress Aaron made with the mower. This was Noah and Avery running laps around where the garden would be planted. 

The following weekend, Aaron tilled up a patch of dirt.  The house site is just beyond those crepe myrtles.  

Each kid got to pick a couple of seed packets to plant. Michael is planting zucchini in the photo above. He also chose Silver Queen corn.  Noah picked yellow squash and pumpkins.  Avery picked watermelon and another type of corn.  We also planted radishes, but the watermelon kind of overtook their spot. 

About two weeks later, this was the progress!

A couple weeks after that, we started spotting real growth!

Our first little silky corn!

And yet another couple of weeks and more corn followed suit!

We spied a watermelon!

This past week, more watermelon were showing up.  My foot shows the size reference. 
We also picked the one yellow squash that was present.  There was also one good sized zucchini that we picked. 

I spotted this zucchini, so we gave it two more days to grow and we returned last night to pick it. 

The corn is still a little skinny to pick, but we'll have about 6 to 10 ears of corn when they're ready. 

The pumpkins have totally overtaken much of the garden, and they don't care a thing about the fence that Aaron put up.  They're just growing wherever they want to!  These pumpkin leaves below are outside of the garden fence, they're about the size of my torso, and they're as high up as my knees! We're expecting lots of great things from the 10+ pumpkin blossoms. 

That's it for now!  It's certainly fun to see real growth!  Especially knowing that God had His hand in this the whole time and that we had to fully rely on Him.  

Until Next Time, 

Much Love, Reba

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