Sunday, August 28, 2022

Michael is 10!

We have double digits in the house today! 

I cannot believe Michael is already ten! 

We have big plans for fun today: church, lunch out, birthday bowling, spending some birthday money, then peanut-butter pie tonight with presents! We plan to love on our boy and ring in his birthday with as much spunk as possible!


You are so great! Your kindness shows through, not just to me but to so many people around you. Often, people comment on how kind you are to your sister as she becomes better acquainted with going to school. Your story of sharing half of your snack money with a kid who didn't have any was so sweet, but also not surprising. You're shaping up to be someone who chooses generosity and compassion when you didn't have to.  This is a phenomenal character trait. 

Reading is still a friend to you. Your book collection continues to grow and it's so fun to hear your commentary and laughter as you make your way through books. I enjoy listening in as Gigi reads to all three of you at bedtime. Yesterday afternoon, you & Noah joined Gigi and me as we went to an antique shop looking specifically for books and we hit the jackpot! You brought home a "new" Judy Blume book (Double Fudge) and it was a source of giggles and funny expressions during our reading time last night. 

You have a very helpful demeanor. You want to make things easier for others and your smile and hug can solve a myriad of troubles. You love going to the beach and the library. We were able to do both of those things this summer and I treasured them so! We'll make our way back to the library this fall on weekends, and I plan to squeeze a beach trip in there too someplace. 

Your foot is bigger than mine now by about 2 sizes. I have a feeling you'll pass me in height before you're eleven! You are going to be broad and tall like your dad. I can't believe this is already your last year of elementary school, but when I look at you I can see it. You're maturing into a great tween and I'm excited to see all that's ahead for you. 

I love you ever so much, Michael. You are so amazingly special. Keep pressing forward, keep looking to Jesus to guide you. He'll never steer you wrong. I am so blessed that God chose to let me be your mom. It's a treasure I don't take lightly. You are an amazing young man. 

I love you, 

Love, Mom

Until Next Time,

Much Love, Reba

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