Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Little Photo Snippets

September is nearly finished and I have not done a fantastic job at all of keeping the blog updated. I think part of it is because I didn't think we did anything too out of the ordinary, but after looking through these pictures below, I'm reminded that part of the reason for the blog is to treasure the memories that come from the normal days. So here's a little snippet of our life over the past few weeks. 

 Avery set up her fairy dollies in the splits. 

She's such the sweetest sleeper! She'll cuddle animals and dolls all night long. 

She's certainly at the age where anything remotely interesting is an opportunity to "take a picture!" She constantly says "Hey mom! Take my picture!" and poses accordingly.  This particular morning she had stacked up some unicorn stamps into a tower. 

And on this particular evening, she styled her own hair using items from an old Kit-n-Caboodle of mine that we found in my parents' garage. 

Sometimes, I ask the boys to smile for me so that they'll be in my camera roll too! :) 

I guess I'm super afraid of being late to dance class, so we inadvertently always arrive significantly early. We get a good parking spot and relax in the truck until it's time to go inside. What a cute smile!

She bought a diary this summer and loves to write and draw in it. 

Progress on the land! We had a temporary power pole installed (via Aaron) and shortly thereafter, the power company came by and installed our real power poles on the property! Improvements!

While checking out the power pole, we spotted a baby watermelon far from the patch!

Kindergarten is hard work!

Being an old puppy is hard work!

Avery needed to make an "all about me!" poster and include a photo of her pet, so we grabbed a couple new shots!

Storytime with Dad is always fun!

We enjoyed going to a birthday party at church for one of our friends!

Flinging around a sticky dinosaur back and forth with Dad was a high-light as well! 

Oh the magic of the lighting aisle in a hardware store. :) 

And that's it for September Photo Snippets!  We celebrated my mom's birthday and Aaron's birthday this month and we get a little bit of a break from our 5 week birthday string before we celebrate our wedding anniversary in early October. 

Until Next Time, 

Much Love, Reba 

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