
Welcome to a piece of our sweet journey of life. This blog is about our family life-- my husband, my type 1 diabetic seventh grader, my spunky fifth grader, my second grader little girl, and myself! Enjoy!

Sunday, November 6, 2022

2 Festive Books

 Just in case you find yourself with a bit of free time leading up to the holidays, I've got two Christmas-y books to share with you today. 

The first one is All About Us by Tom Ellen.  This book was surprisingly fantastic! I say "surprisingly" because I knew nothing about the author or the story line before picking it out at the library. I definitely judge books by their covers, and this one was so cute! The book is written through the perspective of the main male character which is a change from traditional chick-lits. It's a modern take on a Christmas Carol and I found myself initially leaning towards the success of one character, but eventually found myself cheering for a completely different character and outcome! This book was endearing and captivating. I had a hard time putting it down at night, and found myself eager to pick it up and continue the story! It's super cute and gets you thinking about situations and decisions we make. I will probably read it again this Christmas break. 

The second book is the 12 Dates of Christmas by Jenny Bayless. I read about this one on Mix and Match Mama's book review, and I was excited that my library carried it! This was a quick read and entertaining from the start. It was a little predictable, but in a good way and the author managed to keep the story line entertaining. Although I figured out what might happen, the story kept certain potential outcomes in play for the majority of the book and kept me guessing on how things would tie up in the end. It was a fun festive read, and I'll read this book again in the future as well. 

Short and sweet today, but hopefully helpful just in case you have some long wintery evenings that demand a good book. 

Until Next Time, 

Much Love, Reba

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