Sunday, November 20, 2022

The Start of a Break

We hobbled our way to Thanksgiving break! We get to be off this whole week and we. are. READY!

The last few weeks have been wrought with little fall sicknesses here and there. Both boys struggled with an eye allergy that Avery ended up getting today. Michael had a bout of stomach bug that kept him down for a few days, then he rebounded, only to get it again about a week and a half later. The second bout came with a low fever one day and kept him out of school for an entire week due to the school's fever protocols which haven't been updated since covid times. This past week, Michael’s insulin pump malfunctioned and wasn't delivering insulin when it said it was, so he ended up missing half a day on Wednesday as we tried to figure out what was happening. Anytime my kids are sick, I'm super stressed and distracted. So it was a difficult few weeks all around. I've battled a stye, then a slight cold. Noah is staving off a cold today. I'm ever so thankful that we have this week to recuperate!

We did kick off our Thanksgiving break with a bang on Friday evening and saw Santa at Bass Pro Shops (separate post to come), and we traveled to the northern part of the state yesterday for my nephew's birthday party. I kept the kiddos home from church with me today so we didn't share any germs that crept up on us overnight after our busy few days. Today we took it easy and are hoping for high-spirits and good health this week!

Here's some pictures encompassing a few of our adventures!

Until Next time,

Much Love, Reba

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