Sunday, December 11, 2022

Christmas Tree Farm!

 The first day back at school after Thanksgiving break, Noah's class took a field trip to the Christmas tree farm to find a tree for his classroom! I secured a sub ahead of time and went with him! This was the first field trip I have been on since going with Michael to the zoo when he was in first grade (he's now in 5th!). I decided it was time to start participating in these memory making events even though it comes with the hassle of being out of school for a day. Guess what? It's worth it. 

This field trip was low key and a lot of fun.  Noah's class got straight to work searching out the best tree for their classroom. They ended up picking about a 5 foot tree! The crew at the Christmas tree farm were so great with the students. After the tree was wrapped up, the kiddos played around this big sleigh and rallied to make some s'mores!

After s'mores, the class played on the playground (read: slide) until it was time to go on a tractor ride around the Christmas tree farm. That was super fun!

Afterwards, we could choose to stay at the tree farm for a little while longer then go to a nearby park for lunch, or chaperones could go ahead and take their student home. Noah and I opted to leave and get some mommy-son time! We made it to the Walmart parking lot and ate our picnic lunch in the truck before shopping for his brother and sister in Walmart and Target. We had a great time and it was just what we both needed!

Until Next Time, 

Much Love, Reba

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