Thursday, April 13, 2023

Spring Break Recap

 Well now that it's nearly 3 weeks post Spring Break for us, how about a Spring Break recap???

We weren't sure we were going to take a Spring Break trip this year since we just finished the house, but the ocean was calling and I just had to get my family down there! So we booked a quick Friday-Sunday trip and it was perfect. The best little respite to recharge for the next quarter of school and to relax a little bit after all of the stress and hassle of building a home!

This time we rented a raised bungalow in the same RV park we've been renting from for a couple of years now. 

Here's my grown Michael boy showing off the king-size bed. 

Noah made himself right at home! (And so did Avery's dolls). 

I'm not certain of why she chose this pose, but all three kids thought the house was "luxurious."

Avery requested that I help her hang up all of her clothes. 

Here's Noah showing off the huge shower! 

Still exploring!

After checking in, we made our way to the beach to get in a good beach time since the following day was supposed to be rainy. 

The kids enjoyed playing in the little tide pool that formed on the sand. 

For dinner, we ordered takeout (seafood for the kids, Korean food for Aaron and myself) and ate it on the deck! This was so nice!

The following morning, I took the kids to the RV park playground. 

Avery's souvenir of choice was a pink turtle appropriately named "Pinky Winky." 

Later that day we took the kids to a playground in the town we stay in. They've recently added these gigantic cloth coverings. 

For dinner (as is tradition) we took the kids to a Mexican restaurant and they ordered dessert for dinner!

That evening, we loaded up for another quick beach trip. This time we focused on just going for a walk since we couldn't swim due to rip tide. 

I love these kids so much!

We love the photo bomber picture!

I love my family so much and spending time at the beach together is so fun and relaxing. We go any chance we get just to get away and reconnect as our own little grouping of 5. 

Until Next Time, 

Much Love, Reba

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