
Welcome to a piece of our sweet journey of life. This blog is about our family life-- my husband, my type 1 diabetic seventh grader, my spunky fifth grader, my second grader little girl, and myself! Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Big Changes

Once again, unintentionally, I have skipped several weeks between updates. Fortunately, we're less than 2 weeks from summer break and I'll have a little more free time. I finished my current doctoral term and (after advice from my husband and mom) am taking the summer off, so I have a break from that til end of August! 

We've had lots of big changes around here so let's get to it. 

First up, in late April right after my birthday, we added two puppies to our family! Meet Zuzu (black) and Stormy (brindle) !

Akuna likes them sometimes. 

And the girls love him! He entered their pen on his own, but otherwise he roams the house without them pestering him. We got them when they were six & a half weeks old and they are nine & a half weeks old now. They're doing well but we can still improve on the "going outside for pottying" bit. :)

The other big news is.... that I'm leaving my job as a teacher. I've decided to pursue a job where I can work from home most of the time, and therefore be more available for my kids during the course of the school year. I'll finish out the school year and will get one week of summer break before I start my new job in June. I'm very excited for the freedoms that will come with it and the increased availability for my children. We plan to live it up during our week off together before I begin learning my new role. I'll be sad to leave my students and teacher friends but it's time and I feel called by God to do this different route. 

Lots of news that I dropped in this post, and I will try not to go so long between updates now that my evenings will be more free. 

Until Next Time,
Much Love, Reba 

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