
Welcome to a piece of our sweet journey of life. This blog is about our family life-- my husband, my type 1 diabetic seventh grader, my spunky fifth grader, my second grader little girl, and myself! Enjoy!

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Motherhood in the Background

I read some blog post or editorial or Pinterest image a while ago about experiencing the feelings of defeat that motherhood can often bring. I wasn't kind enough today. I'm so ashamed that I raised my voice. I'm worried that my children will remember how stressed out I was today. etc. etc. etc. 

And, oh my goodness, how often I have felt those things as well! 

Then the article continued and it made reference to a point that mothers exist in the background. We are not the star of our children's lives. We are here to nurture and love them, care for them and guide them, pray for them and encourage them. We are not the stars. We exist in the background. 

I loved this and felt as though it was very freeing. 

With every day is going to come some sort of "mess up" as a mom. We're human, so it's part of the deal. We won't reach perfection until Heaven, so it stands that we will never attain "perfect Mother" status. And that's okay! Jesus doesn't ask us to be perfect. He asks us to trust Him and lean not on our own understanding, and goodness gracious isn't there so much as mothers that we don't understand?!?

I have found that I feel more at ease as a mother remembering that I am in the background and a supporting role in my children's lives, and not the star. 

Being in the background isn't a bad thing. Instead, it reminds me of my role to point them to Jesus, the true star of their lives. And it also relieves pressure of trying to be perfect everyday. I hope this post resonates with you in similar ways. God called you to motherhood & He doesn't make mistakes, friend. 

Until Next Time,
Much Love, Reba

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