Monday, August 28, 2023

Michael is 11!

 Wow! How did we get here?! Today, Michael turns 11 years old! I am floored. Just yesterday it seems I had a little second grader eating lunch under our dining room table as something fun to do during the pandemic, and the day before that it seems he was a toddler running around the backyard with a stick, and prior to that he was a squishy little baby who giggled with precious fervor. And today he is this amazingly tall eleven year old! And he's still just as sweet! 

Michael and I will hang out together this morning (medical appointment), then he'll chill at home while I work, and we'll cool the meal of his choice and have grandparents over for the dessert of his choice. It's going to be a great day! 

I'll recap the birthday fun later on!

Happy birthday, sweet Michael! I love you!

Until Next Time,

Much Love, Reba

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