Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Hello, November!

Welcome, November!

We had a sweet little journey to trick or treat last night. We got an early start so that we'd be done by dark, and we were pretty successful! 

We started at my Nana's house and then continued on towards a church member's house who was so sweet to ask us to come by. We made our way to two out of three grandparents' homes (the third was at an event) and wandered around my parents' neighborhood for a bit. We ended our trip by heading to another church member's home before getting some pizza and heading home. 

It was a sweet little adventure & I'm so grateful for these moments when all of my children want to participate in an event. 

This year, we had a ninja, Rapunzel from Tangled (notice the frying pan and Pascal!), and Sonic the Hedgehog. What a fun crew!

They each have a full pumpkin bucket of treats like cheese puffs, pretzels, and candy. The memories together are just the best! 

Today we welcome in November with very chilly weather. I added just a couple extra garlands to increase the Thanksgiving vibe in our home. On a side note: Michael & I cannot wait to start decorating for Christmas but we'll give Thanksgiving its moment as well. 

Until Next Time,

Much Love, Reba

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