
Welcome to a piece of our sweet journey of life. This blog is about our family life-- my husband, my type 1 diabetic seventh grader, my spunky fifth grader, my second grader little girl, and myself! Enjoy!

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Too Fast!

As usual, this Christmas season is zooming by way too fast for my standards. I want to soak up and treasure these days while they're this age. And as much independence as I want them to learn, I'm desperate to enjoy them at the ages they are- knowing they'll never be this young again. 

Here's a bit of our Christmas fun so far:

The Santa display area at Bass Pro was so cute so we got a few pictures taken by the decor (apologies if I've already shared these!). 

The frame of lights outside. This one is funny to me because Avery would only smile if she was in the middle. Her brothers were good sports. 

On Thanksgiving, Michael scored a turkey leg to enjoy later. 

Avery confided in Aunt Bethany that she asked for a baby goat for Christmas. A couple days later, this little cutie arrived! 

My mom has been working with Avery on how to blow bubblegum bubbles. One day when my mom was out of town, we sent this to her. 

Avery received flowers for the Nutcracker from her dad, her grandparents, and her Aunt Bethany! 

Avery's class made the CUTEST ornament and I loved it so much! Here she is posing when I opened it. Such a sweetie!

Avery loves practicing her reading skills, especially to Sam the reindeer! 

When we go shopping, I try to take pictures of the things the kids might want for Christmas. These days, they're some of the only chances I have to take pictures of my "too busy for the camera" sons. :)

I thought this picture of Avery on Sunday was lovely. She's wearing a dress I wore when I was in first grade!

Merry Christmas! 

Until Next Time, 

Much Love, Reba

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