Thursday, March 21, 2024


Aaron & I have toyed with the idea of getting bikes for the kids for a while. Now that we have the perfect space for them to ride coupled with a growing need for them to be active outside with resources available for them to use, we decided to take the plunge and purchase bikes for all 5 of us! Aaron has worked so hard at creating trails in our woods and we also have several acres of open field/ grass to ride in. It's perfect scenery for bike adventures, so we did it! 

We looked around at stores and online and eventually settled on buying our bikes at Walmart so we wouldn't spend too much at the onset of this hobby. We must've looked like quite the scene as Aaron and the boys each walked a bike to the register while Avery and I pushed a cart containing helmets, a bike for her, and Noah's bike in a box underneath the cart! Not to mention it was raining when we were loading them up in the truck!

Once home, Aaron & Noah set to work on assembling Noah's bike while Michael and Avery & I made vegetable ham faux quiche for dinner. After Noah's bike was ready, Aaron checked everyone's bike for stability and brake sensitivity. 

The following afternoon, my mom came over and took these photos. (Pay no attention to Avery's outfit- she shoved her dress into her pants for better riding!) 

They are loving their bikes and Aaron & I are too! We look forward to riding lots over spring break!

Until Next Time, 

Much Love, Reba

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