
Welcome to a piece of our sweet journey of life. This blog is about our family life-- my husband, my type 1 diabetic seventh grader, my spunky fifth grader, my second grader little girl, and myself! Enjoy!

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Avery is 7!

This post is a few days late because we were all sick on Avery's actual birthday, so we stuck to essentials of snuggles, cake, and presents. 

As tradition with Avery, she decorates her cake. She loves to do it! 

We also spent time catching up on school work. 

Here's the birthday girl with her Mario characters and cake! 

For her last 2 gifts, we sent her on a scavenger hunt! 

She LOVED her gifts so much that she gave hugs after opening the wrapping! 

Today was "wear pink or gray" day at school and she is set! What a cutie 7 year old! 

Avery dear, 
We love you so much! You're sweet and spunky and loving. You are so strong and work so hard in dance class. We love watching you do things you love to do. You enjoy swimming and drawing/crafting/being creative. Your favorite stores are Hobby Lobby & Target and in fact, you put both stores on your birthday list (yes, the whole stores). Any time I get a "freebie coupon" for Bath & Body Works, you gladly shop online for the perfect item to redeem. You love all things makeup & jewelry and you have your own unique fashion sense. Your birthday party theme this year is Princess Peach and I'm so excited for your friend party & all the activities. 
You love Jesus and enjoy talking about Him with your friends. You love school and this makes us so thankful. 

We love you, sweet girl! 
Love, Mom


Until Next Time, 
Much Love, Reba

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