Thursday, December 12, 2024

Fall Fun Picture Roundup

 Here's a photo collection from our fall fun. I can't believe it's less than 2 weeks til Christmas!

Avery's dance studio did a cartwheel activity one evening before class. 

She placed a temporary tattoo on her face before I knew what she was doing. :)

On our way to a dance event! 

Candy corn punch! 

Wavy hair for school! 

We attended a fall festival that my coworker invited us to and the kids made Salvation Candy (pixie stick powder). So cute! 

A ballerina doing a pirouette! 

Michael's creation was Kirby! (Noah picked a long white gourd and chose not to carve it.)

Watching a Charlie Brown movie one morning before school. 

Fall Fun Day at the elementary school! 

Getting ready to trick or treat! 

As Avery & I had rehearsals multiple Tuesday nights in November and December, we'd pack a sack dinner and watch a movie in the truck until rehearsal started. It was a fun little event to help us through the late nights. 

Noah's ornament creation made to look like my parents' dog. 

Giving belly rubs to our country porch dogs. 

Every kid got to pick out a small tree for their rooms. 

I made Star Power Rice Krispy treats for a Mario themed celebration at work. 

Sponge roller curls!

A beautiful fall sunset. 

Up next will be Christmas things!

Until Next Time, 

Much Love, Reba 

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