
Welcome to a piece of our sweet journey of life. This blog is about our family life-- my husband, my type 1 diabetic sixth grader, my spunky fourth grader, my first grader little girl, and myself! Enjoy!

Friday, June 28, 2019

Letting It Go

As I'm home with my kids this summer, I'm trying to be more focused on being intentional with my time when I'm with them and also furthering and encouraging imaginative play.  Sometimes this means letting them make harmless messes and waiting til they're really done playing before I jump in to tidy up.  This is really a lesson in letting go for me because my tendency is to immediately want to clean it all up.  But it's actually somewhat freeing when I leave the mess alone until they're really finished.

Here's some picture proof of what they've been up to.

They were making soup with "zests and seasonings."  Once Avery saw her brothers mixing and stirring, she was quick to join in the fun.

On this night, I needed to tend to the oven and stovetop quite heavily while making dinner, so I set Avery up in her booster seat with a yogurt and some shredded cheese so that she'd be happy & content as I did what I needed to do. I forgot that Noah had placed an entire deck of Go Fish cards on the table, and I also wasn't factoring in Avery's ever-growing reach. She got ahold of the cards and thoroughly enjoyed herself as she tossed them all around her chair. I chose to just go with the flow & let her fling cards since she wasn't harming anything and it was keeping her entertained while I needed her to be.

I'm more so writing this post so I can refer back to it at a future date when I might need a reminder to relinquish control. :)

Until Next Time,
Much Love, Reba

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Summer Photo Collection Part 1

I've been more intentional about taking pictures of the kids each day as we do our summer activities (which somedays means just relaxing at home). Granted these pictures have all been taken on my phone thus far, but I do plan to spend some time this summer getting better with my big camera. 

Here's what we've been up to lately:

I bought Avery some Color Wonder markers & coloring sheets so she could have something to color with that wasn't detrimental to my walls. :) She loves it! She will "ker" (her word for either 'color's or 'marker') everyday at least once.

This is how she chose to shop at Costco one afternoon.

The boys & I went to see Pokemon: Detective Pikachu on a Tuesday when tickets were $5.

Noah was not excited about getting his picture made with his VBS giraffe.

Michael & I were seeing how alike our smiles were.

It was a lazy resting afternoon.

We've played lots of board games.  A favorite is Guess Who.

I'm wondering if her school pictures will showcase this same smile one day!

Michael has spent some time drawing comics.

Noah & Avery were admiring his favorite book from the library.

She might have a paci problem.

We transitioned her to a booster seat on Father's Day weekend.

All three kids quietly watching a movie.

She ADORES Akuna! The feeling is mutual.

I hope you've enjoyed this peek into our summer so far!

Until Next Time,
Much love, Reba

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Noah's Allergist Appointment

Last week on Tuesday, I took Noah to the allergist clinic for a follow-up appointment.  Since Noah will be starting kindergarten this fall, I had to have a doctor's note stating what he was actually allergic to, and I had to get a medical form indicating that the nurses would have to administer Noah's epi-pen to him if needed (rather than Noah administering it to himself).

The appointment went really well!  It was a dreary, rainy day, so the drive into the city was not fun.  We arrived pretty close to our actual appointment time and we were called back to a room before I even finished filling out the paperwork updates.  Since this was just a follow-up visit because it had been a year since the previous visit, Noah didn't have to have an additional prick test or bloodwork.

The doctor was amazed at how well Noah looked and considered us the poster-family for allergy management.  I'm not sure why this is not more common and why he was surprised that we have not had to use the epi-pen, etc.  I told him that I don't expose Noah to the foods I know he's allergic to and that I avoid the unprocessed foods that he tested positive for on the prick test last year.  So basically, we avoid all cashews and almonds like the plague and Noah completely understands not to go near them or eat them.  Fortunately, he doesn't like the taste of these tree nuts, so we haven't had any issues.  But all family members have chosen not to keep cashews and almonds in their houses, which is a comfort for me.  We have chosen to avoid pecans, walnuts, and hazelnuts also since these are tree nuts and we're not positive if Noah is only allergic to cashews and almonds (which is confirmed) or if he's allergic to all tree nuts.  We do not consider coconuts a tree nut because we did research and discovered that biologically, it is a fruit although we call it a tree nut in the U.S. because it grows on trees.  Noah had not shown a reaction to coconut prior to last year's visit, so that's what prompted our research and we cautiously let him try coconut and he exhibited no signs of allergic reaction.  We have avoided all mangoes and cosmetic items with mango butter in them since mangoes are part of the cashew family.

Noah is also allergic to soy, though not heavily.  However, we notice that he gets a rash on his neck if he eats many things with soy in a day, like Ritz crackers followed by Slim Jims.  So we tell him he can have one of those snacks in a day, but not both.  We also avoid shampoos and lotions with soy in them.  Prior to his diagnosis of these allergies last year, we had been using this Aveeno body wash and shampoo since the Johnson & Johnson baby products have soy in them.  He had done well with the Aveeno, but I didn't like the smell of it.  I kept using it on him however, until very recently when I read another blogger's description of Everyone Soap.  It has no artificial fragrances and no soy products or mango butter.  I tried out the Lemon + Coconut blend first, but Noah hated the smell since he associates the smell of Lemon with throwing up (he got sick from lemon bars last summer).  So I ordered the Citrus + Mint blend for him and it's great!  Both boys use this blend in their showers and Avery uses the Lemon one in her baths.  It's a body wash, bubble bath, and shampoo, which lets me feel safe using it on them for those times when they really just want a bubble bath.  I don't have to worry about getting out another bathroom product and researching ingredients to make sure it's safe for Noah.  It's also nice that it comes in a pump format, so they're able to easily get a pump to wash themselves and I use a pump on their hair.  This helps us keep from going through it so fast and fumbling with soapy bottles while bathing.

Noah tested positive to peanuts and eggs last year, but the doctor told us that the allergy decreases the further the product is removed from it's raw state.  I was shocked at the peanut diagnosis since Noah eats peanut butter and jelly sandwiches as well as scrambled eggs with no reaction.  The doctor told me last year that if we haven't previously noted a reaction, then he's fine to continue with those products and just to avoid eating raw peanuts or raw eggs.  Fortunately, Noah doesn't like raw peanuts, but we've been careful not to have those in the house as well.  As for eggs, Noah can still eat scrambled eggs and also has no reaction when we use eggs in brownies or cookies, etc.  But I do not give him licks of batter or dough, which is just as well anyway.

Overall, the appointment went really well.  I have my two required papers showing Noah's diagnosis and that he will need a nurse to administer the epi-pen (which hopefully we never have to use!).  The nurses at school are top notch and I feel safe sending him there under their care.  Before leaving the allergy clinic, we scheduled an appointment for next year (it's so nice to be able to know I'll be off in the summer!) and he might have another prick test or blood work at that appointment to find out if any of his allergy levels have decreased or disappeared.

Until Next Time,
Much love, Reba

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Father's Day Weekend

Our Father's Day weekend technically started on Thursday night when Aaron and I were able to go on a dinner date, after which we shopped for Father's Day gifts.  Why does this holiday always sneak up on me?!?  We rounded up gifts for my dad and for Aaron's stepdad that night while shopping.  On Saturday morning, Aaron went to the local shotgun range with a friend and picked up a gift card from the shotgun club store for his dad since they like to go there together sometimes.

While Aaron was at the shotgun club, the kids and I managed to grocery shop.  This is a feat with three little ones!

That evening, we went to Aaron's mom's house to swim in the pool.  We gave Aaron's stepdad his gift-- two kid-sized baseball gloves and the promise from our boys that they were ready to learn to play baseball. This is something my father-in-law has wanted to do with the boys since the first time he found out he'd have a grandson.

We swam in the pool for a while, then played board games inside after it was dark.

The following morning at church, Aaron and I had Children's Church duty.  We finished up a crafts project the kids had started the previous week.  Our associate pastor's wife came up with the idea and started it the week prior to Father's Day to ensure the craft would be finished in time.  The kids glued rocks onto a wooden picture frame, then cut out a tag that said "My Dad Rocks" to glue onto the frame.  Our associate pastor photographed the kids the previous week and had the pictures ready to put in the frames while I was in Children's Church.  The crafts turned out so cute!  Aaron put the ones from Michael and Noah on his bookshelf.

While we were at church, we gave my dad his gift-- a bag full of differing fishing lures and fishing worms since my dad has a bass boat and is spending quite a bit of time on the water when he can.

Aaron also gave his dad his shotgun club gift card so that they could make arrangements to have a father-son day sometime soon.

After church, we swung through the Zaxby's drive through since it was Aaron's lunch choice.  We had a very nice family lunch sitting around our dining table eating our take-out food.  Avery even did well actually chewing her food, so that was a plus. :)

That afternoon, Aaron watched a Formula One Race while the rest of us napped.  Afterwards, Aaron grilled steak for dinner and paired it with pan-cooked mushrooms and onions.

Overall it was a really great, relaxing day!

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Classroom Wish List

First things first:  I passed the science exam!  Now I am officially qualified in the state of Alabama to teach science at the high school level!  Did I ever think I would be a teacher?  Yes.  Did I ever dream it would be in science?  No.  But, I'm excited for the challenge, and to be fair-- they could always switch the subject I'm supposed to teach and assign me elsewhere, but for now I will relax and enjoy this first ever summer break with my kiddos!

As I'm letting it soak in that I have a job and a real classroom, I have started to daydream about things I'd like to get that would make the classroom a bit more welcoming... for myself and my students!

Here's my wish list so far:

  • Rolling cart
  • Expo markers (in lots of colors!)
  • Snacks for students
  • Keurig
  • Coffee and reusable K-cups
  • Extra clothes/ hair tie/ deodorant
  • Pens/ spiral notebooks
  • Pet roller
  • Paper towels
  • Paper plates/ plastic spoons and forks
  • Lapel microphone system
  • Diffuser
  • Purification essential oil
  • Grapefruit essential oil

I'd like a rolling cart similar to this one.  I like the bright cheery blue and the fact that I could store the expo markers and Smartboard keyboard around the room as I teach. 

I plan to stock up on Nutrigrain bars, Capri Suns, granola bars, etc. for students who may need a snack at break time but don't have the money to get one. 

I have an old Keurig that I plan to bring with me, along with my favorite ground coffee (Folger's Black Silk) and some reusable k-cups like these

Since I'll be doing science experiments in class, the chance of a spill is likely, so I want to have some spare clothes that I'd be able to change into between classes or during a break.  A pair of slacks, a shirt, and my favorite hair ties, plus my favorite deodorant stick are good staples to have on hand. 

When I was an intern this past semester, the teacher had a plastic set of drawers in the front of the classroom with one drawer specified for students to be able to get paper and pens from if they ran out of their own stash.  I thought this was a great idea! I plan to get some packs of loose leaf paper and some spiral notebooks and pens to incorporate something similar in my own classroom.  Once the rush for school supplies is over (around early September), stores usually heavily discount these items.  I got several spiral notebooks last fall for two cents a piece-- yes.  Two cents. I plan to super stock up this year as well. 

Since our dog is a miniature Blue Merle Australian Shepherd, he sheds like there's no tomorrow-- so I constantly have fluffy white hair floating through the air and landing on our clothes.  It drives me crazy!  I have a couple pet rollers at home in the kitchen to wipe over us before we leave the house, but if I forget to do that, then I have to hand-pick the hair off.  I'd like to have a spare roller in my classroom just in case. 

The paper towels are more for my lunchtime use than for experiments.  I will get some sort of a classroom budget to buy necessary items like paper towels, but I'd like to bring my own roll for personal use like lunchtime.  I'm also planning to bring my own paper plates and plasticware so I don't have to eat out of ziploc containers each day at lunch. 

The teacher I was an intern for had a lapel microphone system set up in his classroom because he has a very quiet voice.  I thought this was fantastic, and as a soft-spoken person myself, I would like to set up something similar.  Fortunately, my dad uses a lapel mic in his job every Sunday (he's a pastor) so I'm hoping he can offer assistance on a best quality one to get!

I have several diffusers at home, but plan to buy this slim version for the classroom.  Two essential oil scents that I'll bring with my from home are Purification and Grapefruit.  Purification actually removes odors from the air, and Grapefruit is just a nice, clean, uplifting scent.  I won't diffuse on days that we do experiments that might involve creating a substance that has a scent, but I plan to diffuse in the morning before classes start, and most likely at the end of the day before heading home.  

So there we have it-- the first look at my classroom wish list!

Until Next Time, 
Much Love, Reba

Monday, June 10, 2019

Job Update

Last week on Tuesday, I received a phone call from the principal at the school where I did my internship and where I interviewed for the science teacher position.  He asked me if I was still interested and said that he was going to submit my name as the recommended candidate to the personnel director.  That Thursday afternoon, the board of education met and I received a phone call that afternoon telling me that the board had voted me in!  My official first day is July 31st and I'm excited, but also a bit anxious!  I haven't been told yet what subject I'll teach (I am guessing it'll be a combo of biology and either physical science or environmental science, and probably forensics as the elective).

This week on Friday, I will take the state's science test to prove I'm "highly qualified" to teach science to high-school students.  If I don't pass the test on Friday, I can wait 21 days and take it again.  I bought a study book on the third week of May when I interviewed for the position, and I booked myself on that same day to take the test on June 14th.  Since that time, I've been studying and researching science topics hoping to be able to pass the test on the first try (it's not a free test, so I'd like to financially be able to pass it on the first attempt!).

So, if it's a little silent over here on the blog, this is the reason why.  After I take the test on Friday, I'll have more free-time with which I can do some leisure writing.

After the test I'll also be trying to truly soak up these moments at home with my kiddos this summer.  This is one major perk of being a teacher and I want to make sure I treasure it!

Thanks for hanging in there and giving me grace as I study for this test.  I have been writing down some blog post ideas and can't wait to be able to actually write out some complete posts!

Until Next Time,
Much love, Reba