
Welcome to a piece of our sweet journey of life. This blog is about our family life-- my husband, my type 1 diabetic seventh grader, my spunky fifth grader, my second grader little girl, and myself! Enjoy!

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Avery is Three!

 Avery turns 3 years old today!  Throughout her childhood, I have continued to feel a sense of contentment and peace about each age and each stage.  I'm not sad to see seasons go, and I'm happy to welcome in the new skills she learns as time goes on.  Today she is cheerful and so very excited for this birthday!  That's so much fun for me to watch because I'm observing her really taking it all in and understanding what is going on!  We've talked about her birthday for several weeks now and she knew it was this week on Thursday, so the fact that it's here is just so exciting!  She's been pumped about her birthday cake, so we've gotten that baked (she helped!) and frosted and adorned with purple sprinkles.  We'll wait a little closer to tonight's celebration before we put the finishing touches on it and of course, I'll share pictures here. 

Avery is all about some unicorns and I'm just so very grateful that apparently 50,000 other girls are equally obsessed because this means there are bountiful unicorn things out there to curate gift options and party decorations!  I'll share later on what we used for party decor, but please believe me when I say that the unicorn theme is real. 

Avery is funny and also a sour-patch kid (remember those commercials? "First they're sour, then they're sweet").  That is Avery to a T.  She can certainly hold her own against her brothers, but she can also just be so very kind and it's kind of funny to watch the juxtaposition of the two personalities.  She loves to participate in whatever her older brothers are doing, even if she's not quite sure what that is exactly. She basically repeats the last two to three words any of us say (for example, "Noah, go to your room, that was not nice!"  She will say "Noah, room. Not nice!" OR  if Noah says "Michael, let's play police officers after snack." She will say "Officers after snack").  Any random statement or admonition is sure to get a partial repeat. 

She LOVES to be a "big helPER" (emphasis added just like she says it!).  If I'm unloading the dishwasher, she'll stop what she's doing to hand me each piece of silverware individually.  "Here you go.  Fork (except it sounds like "foak"). Here you go.  Spoon.  Here you go. What's this?"  "A knife."  "Oh.  Knife.  I a big helPER!"

She loves to help bake, (especially to stir), do crafts, read books, take baths, use scissors, play dress-up, brush her teeth (seriously), hold her Pat Pat (baby doll), and have her fingernails and toenails painted.  She's such a girly girl and I'm so grateful!  She keeps track of intricate pieces of toys and offers things just the greatest care and attention.  It's so interesting to see her unique personality come into focus these days.  Such a blessing. 

Her favorite TV shows are "Cocomelon" (some weird cartoon nursery rhyme show) and "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" (pronounced "crump-krouse").  She LOVES all things princess but is particular about which movies she likes them in.  She's a die-hard "Frozen" and "Frozen 2" fan.  She prefers the original versions of "Little Mermaid" and "Beauty and the Beast," but likes "Cinderella 3" the best.  She'll also start Moana and Tangled occasionally, but hardly gets through the whole movie before she requests to switch back to her tried and true favorite shows.  She knows the name of Aurora from "Sleeping Beauty" but isn't interested in the movie.  Today she chose to watch "Home Alone" (she actually requested it twice, so we started it twice and got side tracked).  She'll hang tough with her brothers when they choose "boy shows" and she enjoys a good comedy and laughing her way through it.  She's so funny to watch!  She also likes to join in video games by holding a non-connected controller while the rest of us actually play the game.  She'll tell me the character she wants to be, so I'll choose that one for myself, and then she'll pretend to play on the controller before she wanders around the room playing with other toys before pretend-pouting and saying "I didn't win!"  

She likes a good routine and likes to start her day with a sippy cup of milk (we still call it a bottle even though it's not).  She likes to choose her breakfast and lunch options and kind of grazes her way through.  Sometimes (like today) she'll surprise me and ask for a peanut-butter and jelly sandwich as her snack.  She enjoys drinking her water flavored with Crystal Light liquid.  She occasionally has some type of diet soda like her brothers and we put it in a special cup for her and she thinks it's so special.  

It's just such a major joy to have her around!  I'm so so so grateful that God put her into our family plan and gave us a gift we didn't know we were missing.  And despite the craziness in the world around us and the "3 weeks of school break" back in the spring that turned into 5 months, I can find the silver lining when I have days like today-- I got to be home on Avery's birthday and that's miraculous and a gift.  

Thank you, Lord, for the gift of a daughter. 

*I'm writing this after her little celebration we had and the cake turned out so CUTE.  I will share more tomorrow!

Until Next Time, 

Much Love, Reba

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