
Welcome to a piece of our sweet journey of life. This blog is about our family life-- my husband, my type 1 diabetic seventh grader, my spunky fifth grader, my second grader little girl, and myself! Enjoy!

Friday, August 7, 2020

Sayings of My Children

 It's been a while since my last "Things My Kids Say" post, so I thought I'd start our weekend off with this collection. 

Avery says "way!" when she means to say "yay!"  (I'm trying to remember all of these little incorrect ways of saying things because I know all too soon she'll start pronouncing things correctly just as the boys did). 

M: Small fish brains are the size of a grain of salt. They're so dumb. I mean, they're in the ocean and bam, here comes a shark and the fish walk right into it.
Me: They walk into it?
M: Yeah. They're so dumb.

N: It has 3 speeds. High. Low. And meteor.

M: May I have more deeet kook?
Me: (blank stare)
M: Diet coke

M: Night lights are for amateurs

N: We are amateurs

Avery: I need a yogurt smoothie.
Me: You need a yogurt smoothie.
Avery: Yeah! Come on. I'm not wasting time.

Noah: (using a magnifying glass looking for ants when Michael points one out) I hate to break it, but that's not an ant

Avery: (sticking a toy dangerously close to my coffee cup)
Me: Hey, that's not yours, lady
Avery: No. I not you.

Avery: (describing a random movie- I think "Monsters Inc.") And then Mike pooped on the potty and washed his hands with soap.
Me: That sounds like a good idea. Do you want to poop on the potty?
Avery: No. I'm not Mike.

Me: Avery, can you count to ten?
Avery: 2, 10

Avery: (squirts a lot of purple paint on her pallette)

Me: Is purple your favorite color?
Avery: (pauses, places finger on her cheek) Um, yes!

Noah: I love you more than a cozy rat

A: (looking at a foggy window) That window'
s getting fat

Avery calls brownies "chocolate browns"

(Avery is pretending to serve us coffee and hot tea.)
Me: Avery, I think we should change your diaper. I've never seen a waitress who serves coffee with poop in her pants.
Michael: Well, you just met one.

Avery: (watching Bubble Guppies where they are trying to make pink from red and ask which color is lighter, black or white so they can mix it into the red) Uh.... white.
(Just the way she paused & had to think is so precious.)

Avery: My heartbeat is Akuna. That's my favorite pup-pup!

Michael:  Can I have m&m's at the end of breakfast?
Me: No.
Avery: You can have m&m's if you tee tee on the potty.

Noah: (pretend drumming on the couch) Rock on!
Avery: no

Avery: (playing with Akuna in the yard) ow! Akuna bite my thumb! No no, Akuna! Bad boy to eat my thumb! No no eat my thumb!

(Hanging out with my 7 y.o nephew)
G: The perfect place for me to live is Hawaii. On top of the mountain there is snow & people snowboard. Then there's a beach where people surf. And it's really peace & quiet.
Me: 🤔

(When my nephew came over for a sleepover with my boys)
Me: Do you eat frozen pizza?
G: No. I eat it warmed up.

(Boys are having a pretend battle)
M: Hit him with your sword!
N: This isn't my sword; it's a death spatula.

I hope you've enjoyed this little peek into the daily conversations around here!

Until Next Time, 
Much Love, Reba

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